Oral History Interview, Marc Lampe (2448)
In this oral history interview, Marc Lampe, a 1974 UW-Madison graduate, details his time spent at UW-Madison as an undergraduate. He discusses his decision to attend UW-Madison, which was influenced by his father. Lampe was a political science major and participated in the 1972 McGovern campaign as part of a practicum. He also had an internship with the Wisconsin Governor's Council of Consumer Affairs, where he researched automobile fraud; his work assisted in passing legislation in Wisconsin. Lampe was a disc jockey at WRSN, Wisconsin Student Radio Madison. He recalls practicing and performing with a band he and some other students formed for a station fundraiser, Bruce and the Boulevards. Lampe also discusses his social life, living situations in dorms and coops, attending athletic events, the Sterling hall bombing, memorable professors, and class registration, particularly with the student run business Guaranteed Registration. After graduating, Lampe attended law school, becoming professor of business law and social responsibility in the University of San Diego business school. This interview was conducted for the Class Reunion Project of the UW-Madison Archives and Records Management Oral History Program.
political science
McGovern campaign
Wisconsin Governor's Council of Consumer Affairs
automobile fraud
disc jockey
Wisconsin Student Radio Madison (WRSN)
Bruce and the Boulevards
Guaranteed Registration
business ethics
Sterling Hall
student anti-war demonstrations
Permanent Link
Recording, oral
In this oral history interview, Marc Lampe, a 1974 UW-Madison graduate, details his time spent at UW-Madison as an undergraduate. To learn more about this oral history, download & review the index first (or transcript if available). It will help determine which audio file(s) to download & listen to.