Now showing items 1-10 of 194
Neutron star in elliptical orbit about a black hole
A neutron star in an elliptical orbit about a black holes is disrupted as it passes near the black hole. Its apparent spin after the encounter is not really rotation: Without shocks, circulation is exactly preserved. Instead ...
Nonaxisymmetric instability of water drop: Skylab
Rotating stars with viscosity are unstable to a bar mode after the radio T/|W| of rotational kinetic energy to gravitational binding energy exceeds about 0.14. An analogous instability can be seen in water drops where ...
A new test for exemplar theory: Varying versus non-varying words in Spanish
We used a Deese-Roediger-McDermott false memory paradigm to compare Spanish words in which the phonetic realization of /s/ can vary (word-medial positions: bu[s]to ~ bu[h]to ‘chest’, word-final positions: remo[s] ~ remo[h] ...
Timing of magnetite formation in basaltic glass: Insights from synthetic analogs and relevance for geomagnetic paleointensity analyses
Absolute paleointensity estimates from submarine basaltic glass (SBG) typically are of high technical quality and accurately reflect the ambient field when known. SBG contains fine-grained, low-Ti magnetite, in contrast ...
Longitudinal Impact of Childhood Adversity on Early Adolescent Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the ABCD Study Cohort: Does Race or Ethnicity Moderate Findings?
Background During the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, mental health among youth has been negatively affected. Youth with a history of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), as well as youth from minoritized racial-ethnic ...
Hydrological impacts of warmer and wetter climate in Troutlake and Sturgeon River basins in central Canada
The impact of climate change on water availability in two river basins located in central Canada is investigated. Several statistical downscaling methods are used to generate temperature and precipitation scenarios from ...
Geology of the Alarcon Rise, Southern Gulf of California
Abstract Meter-scale AUV bathymetric mapping and ROV sampling of the entire 47 km-long Alarcon Rise between the Pescadero and Tamayo transforms show that the shallowest inflated portion of the segment hosts all four active ...
Curie temperatures of titanomagnetite in ignimbrites: Effects of emplacement temperatures, cooling rates, exsolution, and cation ordering
Pumices, ashes, and tuffs from Mt. St. Helens and from Novarupta contain two principal forms of titanomagnetite: homogeneous grains with Curie temperatures in the range 350–500°C and oxyexsolved grains with similar bulk ...
Absolute Paleointensity Study of Miocene Tiva Canyon Tuff, Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Role of Fine‐Particle Grain‐Size Variations
Fine‐grained, Ti‐poor titanomagnetite in the ~12.7 Ma Tiva Canyon (TC) Tuff systematically increases in grain size from superparamagnetic (SP) at the flow base to single domain (SD) at a few meters height. This allows us ...
Mitochondrial Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel Protein Por1 Positively Regulates the Nuclear Localization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae AMP-Activated Protein Kinase
ABSTRACT Snf1 protein kinase of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a member of the highly conserved eukaryotic AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family, which is involved in regulating responses to energy limitation. ...