Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Curie temperatures of titanomagnetite in ignimbrites: Effects of emplacement temperatures, cooling rates, exsolution, and cation ordering
Pumices, ashes, and tuffs from Mt. St. Helens and from Novarupta contain two principal forms of titanomagnetite: homogeneous grains with Curie temperatures in the range 350–500°C and oxyexsolved grains with similar bulk ...
Full vector low-temperature magnetic measurements of geologic materials
The magnetic properties of geologic materials offer insights into an enormous range of important geophysical phenomena ranging from inner core dynamics to paleoclimate. Often it is the low-temperature behavior (
Malleable Curie Temperatures of Natural Titanomagnetites: Occurrences, Modes, and Mechanisms
Abstract Intermediate-composition titanomagnetites have Curie temperatures (Tc) that depend not only on composition but also on thermal history, with increases of 100°C or more in Tc produced by moderate-temperature ...
Geomagnetic paleointensity in historical pyroclastic density currents: Testing the effects of emplacement temperature and postemplacement alteration
Thellier-type paleointensity experiments were conducted on welded ash matrix or pumice from the 1912 Novarupta (NV) and 1980 Mt. St. Helens (MSH) pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) with the intention of evaluating their ...
Curie Temperature Enhancement and Cation Ordering in Titanomagnetites: Evidence From Magnetic Properties, XMCD, and Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Previous work has documented time‐ and temperature‐dependent variations in the Curie temperature (Tc) of natural titanomagnetites, independent of any changes in sample composition. To better understand the atomic‐scale ...
Effects of titanomagnetite reordering processes on thermal demagnetization and paleointensity experiments
Titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4, 0≤x≤1) is a common, naturally occurring magnetic mineral critical to many paleomagnetic studies. Underlying most interpretations is the assumption that, lacking chemical alteration, Curie ...
Deconvolution of u channel magnetometer data: Experimental study of accuracy, resolution, and stability of different inversion methods
We explore the effects of sampling density, signal/noise ratios, and position-dependent measurement errors on deconvolution calculations for u channel magnetometer data, using a combination of experimental and numerical ...
Assessing New and Old Methods in Paleomagnetic Paleothermometry: A Test Case at Mt. St. Helens, USA
Paleomagnetic data can be used to estimate deposit temperatures (Tdep) of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) by finding the laboratory temperature at which a PDC-associated thermal remanence is removed. Paleomagnetic ...