Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Hydrological impacts of warmer and wetter climate in Troutlake and Sturgeon River basins in central Canada
The impact of climate change on water availability in two river basins located in central Canada is investigated. Several statistical downscaling methods are used to generate temperature and precipitation scenarios from ...
Air Temperature Variability in Illinois Based on Weather Station Records and the North American Regional Reanalysis from 1979 to 2006
Spatial and temporal near-surface air temperature 21 variabilities and trends were analyzed for 30 locations in Illinois based on annual data derived from station records and the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) ...
A spatio-temporal analysis of groundwater level changes in relation to urban growth and groundwater recharge potential for Waukesha County, Wisconsin
The main objective of this study was to spatially and temporally analyze groundwater level changes using geographic information systems and spatial analysis with respect to urban development, groundwater water withdrawal, ...
High Capacity Wells and Baseflow Decline in The Wolf River Basin, Northeaster Wisconsin (USA)
The baseflow of the Wolf River (drainage area of 1,200 km2) in northeastern Wisconsin (USA) has declined by over 30% during the last thirty years, whereas climatic, land cover, and soil characteristics of the basin have ...
Impacts of Climate Change and Urban Expansion on Hydrologic Ecosystem Services in the Milwaukee River Basin
Land use/land cover (LULC) and climate changes could affect water quantity and quality and thus hydrologic ecosystem services (ES). However, studies of these impacts on hydrologic ES are limited by the current methods and ...
Effects of Urban Imperviousness Scenarios on Simulated Storm Flow
The amount and distribution of impervious surfaces are important input parameters of hydrological models, especially in highly urbanized basins. This study tests three different methods to input impervious surface area ...
Human Influences and Decreasing Synchrony between Meteorological and Hydrological Droughts in Wisconsin Since the 1980s
Hydrological droughts are important for agriculture and other human activities such as navigation and groundwater pumping, so it is necessary to understand their characteristics at various temporal and spatial scales. This ...
Changes in the Extent and Distribution of Urban Land Cover in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) Between 1987 and 2010
Largely due to data unavailability, the spatial pattern of urban growth in North Korea has been rarely studied. This study explored urban changes in North Korea and provided their plausible causes. The present study used ...
Climate Change and Nighttime Heat Stress: Tales of Two Cities in the U.S. Midwest
This study explores nighttime heat stress in two Midwestern regions in the United States, encompassing the cities of Minneapolis and Milwaukee. Daily minimum temperature data were obtained from the MACAv2-METDATA dataset ...
Urbanization and rainfall-runoff relationships in the Milwaukee River Basin
To understand the changing rainfall-runoff relationship, the study examined climate and streamflow data in the Milwaukee River Basin in southeastern Wisconsin, of which four catchments with different degrees of urbanization ...