Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Effects of Urban Imperviousness Scenarios on Simulated Storm Flow
The amount and distribution of impervious surfaces are important input parameters of hydrological models, especially in highly urbanized basins. This study tests three different methods to input impervious surface area ...
Human Influences and Decreasing Synchrony between Meteorological and Hydrological Droughts in Wisconsin Since the 1980s
Hydrological droughts are important for agriculture and other human activities such as navigation and groundwater pumping, so it is necessary to understand their characteristics at various temporal and spatial scales. This ...
Changes in the Extent and Distribution of Urban Land Cover in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) Between 1987 and 2010
Largely due to data unavailability, the spatial pattern of urban growth in North Korea has been rarely studied. This study explored urban changes in North Korea and provided their plausible causes. The present study used ...
Urbanization and rainfall-runoff relationships in the Milwaukee River Basin
To understand the changing rainfall-runoff relationship, the study examined climate and streamflow data in the Milwaukee River Basin in southeastern Wisconsin, of which four catchments with different degrees of urbanization ...
Meteorological and Streamflow Droughts: Characteristics, Trends and Propagation in the Milwaukee River Basin
This study examined meteorological and streamflow droughts for the period 1951-2006 using the Milwaukee River basin in Wisconsin as the study area in an effort to improve the understanding of drought propagation. Specifically, ...
Characteristics of Deforestation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) between the 1980s and 2000s
There has been a significant lack of land cover change studies in relation to deforestation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). The purpose of this study is to characterise deforestation in North ...
Effects of Climate, Basin Characteristics, and High-Capacity Wells on Baseflow in the State of Wisconsin, United States
When it comes to water resources management, it is critical to understand the factors that affect baseflow processes. Declines in baseflow due to increased use of the groundwater from unconfined aquifers is well documented, ...
Early Summer Dissolved Oxygen Characteristics in Restored Streams in Seoul
Abstract : This paper presents an evaluation of stream restoration projects in Seoul with a focus on dissolved oxygen. Five test sites across four streams were measured for dissolved oxygen (DO) in late May to early June ...