Now showing items 1-10 of 36
Forest vegetation of Ozaukee County
Notes on the milliped Pleuroloma flavipes (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae) in Wisconsin
The milliped Pleuroloma flavipes Rafinesque 1820 is one of the more widespread and better known North American millipeds. During the course of recent studies in Wisconsin, we have had opportunities to examine museum specimens ...
A floristic survey of Benedict Prairie (Kenosha County, Wisconsin)
Benedict Prairie is a small railroad prairie that is owned and managed by the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Field Station. A floristic survey of the 2.5 ha site was conducted from 1988 to 1990. A total of 191 species, ...
Comparison of Wisconsin terrestrial isopods and their life cycle traits
Seasonal reproductive patterns for the 11 terrestrial isopod species found in Wisconsin are presented. The pattern of the most widespread species, Trachelipus rathkei, is examined hi detail through a series of paired ...
Research on the GED Credential and Its Use in Wisconsin
In 1984 the Employment and Training Institute embarked on a two-year study of the GED and its use in Wisconsin, at the request of State Superintendent Herbert J. Grover. The study explored the use of the GED credential by ...
The centipede Lithobius celer (Chilopoda: Lithobiidae) in Wisconsin
The centipede Lithobius celer Bollman 1888 has been reported from Wisconsin only one time. Chamberlin (1911) provisionally referred specimens collected from unspecified Wisconsin and Michigan localities to this species, ...
Consumerism and Ceramics at the Stephen Field Farmstead, Walworth County, Wisconsin
This thesis examines the expression of consumer behavior and choice through ceramic archaeological remains from the Stephen Field Farmstead (47WL351) site, a nineteenth-century farmstead located in East Troy Township, ...
Resolving Public Records Disputes in Wisconsin: the Role of the Attorney General's Office
This study investigates how the Wisconsin attorney general reviews and sometimes intervenes in access disputes over the state's public records law. The study posed three primary questions: How do the attorney general's ...
Using Historic GLO Data and GIS to Assess the Potential for Local Bison Bison Near Two Wisconsin Late Prehistoric Oneota Localities
Bison (Bison bison) remains are rare in the archaeological record of Wisconsin. This thesis uses a Geographic Information System (GIS) to better understand native vegetation near sites with reported bison bone to assess ...
Built of Pine and People: Adaptability and Stability in the Wisconsin Lumbering Community of Oconto, 1850-1950
Near the midpoint of the nineteenth century, logging enterprises began to emerge across the northern half of Wisconsin at an increasing rate. Though the lumber boom dwindled throughout the first twenty-five years of the ...