Performance characteristics of the 60 kA SMES conductor

Pfotenhauer, John M.
Abdelsalam, Mostafa K.
Lokken, Orrin D.
Jiang, Zhisheng
Waldrop, Jeremy Steven
Yang, Suntao
Christianson, Owen R.
Daly, E.F.
King, John E.
Pavlik, Dennis
Brogren, Erik
DeGraaf, Douglas W.
Kessler, Felix
Ludbrook, Allan
IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA
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Pfotenhauer, J.M., Abdelsalam, M.K., Lokken, O.D., Jiang, Z., Waldrop, J.S., Yang, S., et al. (1995). Performance characteristics of the 60 kA SMES conductor. In Proceedings of the 1994 Applied Superconductivity Conference. Part 1 (of 3), Oct 16-21 1994, 5 (2 pt 1), 286-289.