School of Education
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Implications of Virtual Credit Recovery on High School End-of-Course State Exams
(IGI Global Scientific Publishing, 2025)In the State of Georgia, high schools must administer End-of-Course (EOC) exams to students enrolled in the specific courses for accountability purposes. Students who fail these exams must retake the course until credit ... -
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Postsecondary Education: Rethinking Policy and Course Design
(IGI Global Scientific Publishing, 2025)Employing generative artificial intelligence (GAI) for educational purposes has implications for both pedagogy and policy. Many postsecondary educators fear GAI will prevent students from developing the necessary skills ... -
Montessori: Serving the Needs of Children in Areas of Special Education
(College of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1981-12) -
Montessori: On Teaching Reading and the Love of Reading Simultaneously
(College of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1981-12)