Oral History Interview, Mary Bjustrom (2198)
In October 2019, Avery Pilot interviewed Mary Bjustrom, alumnus of UW Madison (class of 1969) about her experiences as a student on campus during the late 1960s. Mary discussed her choice to switch from studying mathematics at the University of Idaho to computer science at UW-Madison as a graduate student, her experiences with early computers, the stress of on campus protests in the Vietnam era and national events like high-profile political assassinations, and the situation of women in STEM programs then and now. This story was collected in for inclusion into the Class Reunion Project of the UW-Madison Archives and Records Management Oral History Program.
computer science
graduate studies
women in STEM
campus life
Vietnam era
Permanent Link
Recording, oral
In October 2019, Avery Pilot interviewed Mary Bjustrom, alumnus of UW Madison (class of 1969) about her experiences as a student on campus during the late 1960s. To learn more about this oral history, download & review the index first (or transcript if available). It will help determine which audio file(s) to download & listen to.