Unionidae of the Chippewa River, Wisconsin and selected tributaries, 1986-2002
"Bivalve mollusks belonging to the family Unionidae are sometimes called fresh water mussels, clams, or
naiades. In this paper they are referred to as Unionidae (unionids), even though one specimen found in this
study (Cumberlandii mondonta) belongs to the family Margaritiferidae. In earlier studies Chadwick (1905 ,
1906a, and 1906b), Baker (1928), Morrison (1932), Flowers (1975) and particularly Mathiak (1979)
provided an overview of the Unionidae of some Wisconsin streams. This study began in 1986 and focuses
on the Chippewa River and to a lesser extent some of its impoundments and tributaries. The primary
objective of this study was to survey each Section of the Chippewa River main stem to determine the
species of unionids present. Collectively the samples from all Sections were used to calculate frequency of
occurrence, relative abundance and a longitudinal distribution of each species. A secondary objective was
to consider other aspects of Unionidae biology."
-page 1.
Freshwater mussels -- Wisconsin -- Chippewa River.
Unionidae -- Wisconsin -- Chippewa River.
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59 pages with color maps.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 10-11).