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dc.contributor.advisorSkoning, Stacey
dc.contributor.advisorFischer, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorBergin, Michelle
dc.description.abstractInclusion in the regular education setting can involve adapting instrnction to meet the needs of students with and without disabilities. Educators need to remember that some students with and without a disability will fall below expectations and require interventions, through the Response to Intervention process. Educators need to know what to do and how to support these students. One approach to achieve the notion of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment is a collaborative teaching model with a regular education teacher and special education teacher. In this study, an investigation was conducted in the integrated 4K classrooms in one district in a north central state. The survey results showed the participants valued collaboration as consistent and frequent conversation. All of the pa1iicipants noted how they gained development and training in a collaborative setting. The pa1iicipants shared how they value each other in the classroom by including the strategies and supports they both have learned over the years. It was found that flexibility is one quality that is absolutely necessaiy for an effective teaching team. The survey results also showed how the participants work together to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. In fact, determining the best approaches and accommodations to help all of the students be successful.en_US
dc.subjectcollaborative teaching modelen_US
dc.subjectearly childhood classroomsen_US
dc.titleCollaboration in Early Childhood Classroomsen_US
dc.typeField projecten_US

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