Sustainability Research
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Hands Together - Manos Juntas Program
(1995-06-07)The conference co-sponsors, led by the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations, are pleased to have you join them at the first statewide migrant farmworkers conference. This new program provides a forum for migrant ... -
Shiitake Marketing and Value Added Development Program
(1992-11)This project was undertaken in cooperation with the Shiitake Growers Association of Wisconsin with funding by the Wisconsin State Agricultural Development and Diversification Program. The objectives of the Shiitake Marketing ... -
Nutritional Analysis and Development of Promotional Materials for Shiitake Mushroom Producers in Wisconsin
(1990-09)Research Objectives: To perform nutritional analysis on Wisconsin-grown Shiitake mushrooms in both the fresh and commercially freeze-dried forms including the following nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrate, amino acids, ... -
Water Quality Assessment for Salmon Production and the Salmon Products Facility at the St. Croix Indian Fischeries
(1989-08-02)This report summarizes one year of study of water quality in Loon Creek and the Yellow River near Danbury in Burnett County, Wisconsin. Loon Creek, a tributary of the Yellow River, is the proposed site of an Atlantic salmon ... -
Students Fill Gap in Red Cedar Watershed Monitoring
(Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin, 2023)With a grant from the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin, three undergraduates from UW-Stout were trained to collect and analyze water samples as part of renewed efforts to monitor restoration efforts in the Red Cedar ... -
Students in UW-Stout LAKES program present research in Menomonie, Chetek
(University of Wisconsin--System, 2017-10)New studies on the Red Cedar River watershed, including Lake Menomin, Tainter Lake and the Chetek chain of lakes, were presented in forums in Menomonie and Chetek in early August. Thirteen university students from around ... -
Red Cedar Watershed Conference: Land, Water and People Coming Together!
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2024)12th Annual Red Cedar Watershed Conference- Do you farm? Do you live in town? Do you manage residential, commercial or public property? Do you enjoy fishing, swimming, boating, hiking, canoeing? Do you think the economic ... -
Red Cedar Watershed Session and Presenter Information
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)Red Cedar Watershed Conference: Thursday, March 9, 2023, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm -
Red Cedar River Watershed Conference Announcement, 2016, 2020-2023
(University of Wisconsin--System, Division of Extension, 2016)A project funded by the Army Corps of Engineers, Wisconsin DNR, as well as matching funding from many of the stakeholders in the Red Cedar River Water Quality Partnership was completed in 2020. Monitoring done by Bill ... -
About the Red Cedar Watershed
(University of Wisconsin--System, Division of Extension, 2023)The Red Cedar River Basin drains a 1,893 square-mile area in west-central Wisconsin, and includes parts of Barron, Chippewa, Dunn, Polk, Rusk, Sawyer, St. Croix and Washburn Counties. -
NSF REU Site: LAKES Undergraduate Research Experience
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)e LAKES Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) aims to better understand the root causes of phosphorus pollution and solutions while offering undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in cutting edge ... -
REU Site: RUI: Linking Applied Knowledge in Environmental Sustainability (LAKES)
(National Science Foundation, 2017)This project is funded from the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites program in the SBE Directorate. As such, it has both scientific and societal benefits, and it integrates research and education. This ... -
The Good, the Bad, and the Algae, 2014-2022
(LAKES REU, 2022)This blog documents the experiences and discoveries of the students and faculty members involved in the NSF-sponsored Linking Applied Knowledge on Environmental Sustainability (LAKES) Research Experience for Undergraduates ... -
2016 Year End Summary of Red Cedar River Watershed Partnership Highlights and Accomplishments
(The Red Cedar River Water Quality Partners, 2016)In January of 2016, “A River Runs Through Us: A Water Quality Strategy for the Land and Waters of the Red Cedar River Basin” was approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and by the US Environmental Protection ... -
A River Runs Through Us: A Water Quality Strategy for the Land and Waters of the Red Cedar River Basin
(UW–Extension Environmental Resources Center, 2015-07)The Red Cedar river runs through a large portion of northwest Wisconsin, eventually draining into the Chippewa River about thirteen miles south of Menomonie. Its watershed is nearly 1,900 square miles and includes parts ... -
National Rural Institute on Alcohol and Drug Abuse 1999 Mailer
(National Rural Alcohol and Drug Abuse Network, Inc., 1999)