Speech-Language Pathology Perspectives Comparing Hippotherapy and Standard Practice Treatment Delivery
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine differences among speech-language pathologists’ (SLPs) perspectives who utilize hippotherapy as a tool compared to standard practice treatment therapy. Demographics of clients who received this therapy were included in this national survey. The differences between planning, implementation, and results of intervention when using hippotherapy as a treatment tool versus standard practice treatment sessions was investigated. The perspectives of providers regarding their experiences with session design and perceived benefits and challenges of hippotherapy as a treatment tool were studied.
Methods: A nationwide IRB approved survey was sent to 32 master and doctorate SLP providers, who utilize hippotherapy as a treatment tool, of whom 14 fully completed the online survey. SLPs answered 32 questions about their experiences utilizing hippotherapy as a treatment tool and compared it to their use of standard practice treatment therapy. Quantitative and qualitative data were recorded and assessed in this paper.
Results: Client demographics most frequently reported were autism, articulation/phonological, cognitive, and expressive & receptive language disorders. A difference in client ages served using hippotherapy as a treatment tool was noted as 93% pediatric clients. Standard practice treatment therapy sessions have a more even split among all ages. Benefits were noted as improved progress and client motivation while challenges were scheduling and resources. Modifications across weather and preparation time were noted.
Conclusion: The use of hippotherapy as a treatment tool has been around for many years but has an inadequate amount of research in the field of speech language pathology. This study found that providers who use this therapy consistently note the therapeutic value and gains they see despite any barriers they may encounter. Therefore, the use of hippotherapy as a treatment tool is an effective tool to support therapeutic gains in speech and language therapy based on provider perspectives.
Speech-language pathology
Equine-assisted therapy
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vii + 71 pages, references (pages 48-50) and appendix 1 (page 50-71).