The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve works in partnership to improve the understanding of Lake Superior’s coast and estuaries. We address issues affecting the watershed through integration of research, education, outreach and stewardship. The Reserve is part of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Division of Extension’s Natural Resources Institute with leadership from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and is based on the University of Wisconsin-Superior campus.

The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve is a member of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System , a network of 30 reserves across the United States designated for long-term research on coastal resources and the human populations those resources support.

Our reserve is centered on the St. Louis River Estuary between Superior, Wisconsin, and Duluth, Minnesota. However, we envision a Lake Superior where all coastal watersheds and estuaries are understood, valued and thriving. To accomplish this, we prioritize work on climate change, water quality, healthy ecosystems, strengthening communities and developing a sense of place.

In addition to the collections below, there is a large collection of digital articles related to the St. Louis River Estuary available electronically in the Lake Superior Reserve Zotero Digital Collection. The digital library is open to the public for searching, but access to article PDFs is only available to Reserve Staff.

For a tutorial on how to search the Zotero database, click here.

Lake Superior Reserve Zotero Digital Collection

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