Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve
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The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve works in partnership to improve the understanding of Lake Superior’s coast and estuaries. We address issues affecting the watershed through integration of research, education, outreach and stewardship. The Reserve is part of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Division of Extension’s Natural Resources Institute with leadership from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and is based on the University of Wisconsin-Superior campus.
The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve is a member of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System , a network of 30 reserves across the United States designated for long-term research on coastal resources and the human populations those resources support.
Our reserve is centered on the St. Louis River Estuary between Superior, Wisconsin, and Duluth, Minnesota. However, we envision a Lake Superior where all coastal watersheds and estuaries are understood, valued and thriving. To accomplish this, we prioritize work on climate change, water quality, healthy ecosystems, strengthening communities and developing a sense of place.
In addition to the collections below, there is a large collection of digital articles related to the St. Louis River Estuary available electronically in the Lake Superior Reserve Zotero Digital Collection. The digital library is open to the public for searching, but access to article PDFs is only available to Reserve Staff.
For a tutorial on how to search the Zotero database, click here.
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Recent Submissions
Pokegama Bay Water Quality Improvement Project: Final Report
(2020-11-20)The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve (LSNERR) is located at the convergence of the St. Louis River and Lake Superior. The agency performs research on the St. Louis River watershed and estuary. The Reserve ... -
2023 Lake Superior Bloom Bulletin
(Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve, 2023-05) -
Estuarine habitats in the St. Louis Estuary, Lake Superior, Wisconsin: past, present, and future
(National Estuarine Research Reserve Assocaition (NERRA), 2023)In the face of climate change, understanding trajectories of change is critical for coastal management, particularly for identifying future restoration and climate adaptation opportunities. The National Estuarine Research ... -
2022 St. Louis River Summit Proceedings
(Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve, 2022) -
2024 St. Louis River Summit Proceedings
(Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve, 2024-04) -
Pokegama Bay rustic boat launch improvements increase visitor use and improve visitor experience
(2024-01)The Pokegama Bay rustic boat launch in the Superior Municipal Forest got an upgrade in September 2021. The City of Superior, collaboratively with the Lake Superior Reserve and the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program, ... -
Under-Ice Water Quality Assessment in Perch Lake, Mud Lake, and Kimballs Bay
(2020-09)Previous studies have found lower-than-expected dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in a number of bays of the St. Louis River estuary. These hypoxic conditions, which can negatively impact fish and other organisms, are ... -
Documenting Water Depth Fluctuation and Waterfowl Occurrence within Wild Rice Beds in the St. Louis River Estuary
(2022-02)The St. Louis River Estuary’s shallow wetlands are home to northern wild rice (manoomin), an ecologically, economically, and culturally important keystone species. Wild rice abundance in the Estuary was negatively ...