Faculty and Staff Research and Publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Internalized Shame Scale
(Multi-Health Systems, 2001)The purpose of the Internalized Shame Scale (ISS) is to provide an assessment of an adolescent or adult respondent's intense, self-directed, negative affect. Specifically, the ISS measures the extent to which the ... -
Blazing a Path to Creative Commons Licensing
(UW-Stout Archives, 2023)“Blazing a Path to Creative Commons Licensing” is adapted from “Welche CC-Lizenz ist die richtige Fur mein Werk,” 2015 by Barbara Klute und Jöran Muuß-Merholz for classroom use at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. -
College of Arts and Human Sciences Faculty and Staff Publications, 2023-2024
(University of Wisconsin--Stout Library, 2024)Includes citations from UW-Stout Faculty and Staff publications from the following departments: Counselling, Rehabilitation, and Human Services Department, English, Philosophy, and Communication Studies Department, Teaching, ... -
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Management Faculty and Staff Publications, 2023-2024
(University of Wisconsin--Stout Library, 2024)Includes citations from UW-Stout Faculty and Staff publications from the following departments: Biology Department and Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science Department. -
Implementing Inquiry to Engage Student Voices: A Learning Investigation
(2011)On May 9, the students in my course completed the end of course survey for the chosen objectives determined to monitor if student expectations for the course met my perceptions regarding how I thought I was meeting those ... -
Critical Incidence Classroom Questionnaire
(2008)Please take about five minutes to respond to each of the questions below about this week’s class. You may choose to put your name on the form, or your responses can remain anonymous. When you have finished writing, put one ... -
Community of Practice 2010-2011 Summary Report: Implementing Appreciative Inquiry to Engage Student Voices
(2011)Five UW-Stout instructors worked during the 2010-2011 academic year to further previous classroom research by using the process of Appreciative Inquiry to increase student engagement. -
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Management Faculty and Staff Publications, 2020-2023
(University of Wisconsin--Stout Library, 2023)Includes citations from UW-Stout Faculty and Staff publications from the following departments: Biology Department, Chemistry and Physics Department, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science Department, Business ... -
College of Arts and Human Sciences Faculty and Staff Publications, 2020-2023
(University of Wisconsin--Stout Library, 2023)Includes citations from UW-Stout Faculty and Staff publications from the following departments: Art and Art History Department, Design Department, Counselling, Rehabilitation, and Human Services Department, English, ... -
Check This Out! Novemeber Issue
(Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center, 2021-11)Well-being Resources Library Technology Needs Survey Offers Opportunity for Prize Library Window Decorating Contest Winners Announced Library Staff Receive Stout Standout Awards Academic Writing Month Latinos Unidos ... -
Check This Out! Decemeber '21-January '22 Issue
(Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center, 2022-01)Happy Hmong New Year! Check out Camera's at Circulation! Stress Less This Finals Season Wireless Group Study Room Connections Bring Home Some Color! Free Hot Drinks at the Library During Finals Rumor Has It: ... -
Check This Out! October Issue
(Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center, 2021-10)The 2020-2021 Academic Year was a year of change, flexibility, and innovation for the UW-Stout University Library, Archives, and Instructional Resources Service. On July 1, 2020, we began the academic year in the midst of ... -
Check This Out! September Issue
(Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center, 2021-09)Welcome to Fall semester! It’s so great for us to the see the sidewalks full of students again. We hope you’re crossing paths with new and old friends—like the students in this Fall 1998 photo from the University Archives. -
Check This Out! May Issue
(Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center, 2021-05)Circulation's Top Ten Items New Changes Coming to Search@UW Swank Digital Campus Grows to over 1,000 Titles Archives Announces a New Digital Collection of Stout Student Org Photos Diversity In Children's Books Summer ... -
Check This Out! April Issue
(Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center, 2021-04)National Library Week: Happy National Library Week! April 4-10, 2021, is the 63rd Anniversary of National Library Week. Started in 1958 and sponsored by the American Library Association, Nation Library Week celebrates ... -
Check This Out! March Issue
(Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center, 2021-03)Director's Update: Although the library looks different this year, we are proud to be open and safely continuing to provide services to UW-Stout students, faculty, and staff. Whether you need a place to study, would like ... -
User Testing of a Continuum Manipulator for Assistive Technology
(Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, 2018-07)The use of robots in assistive technology is well-studied, with numerous robotic arms for rehabilitative applications that have been designed and tested to-date, and several that are commercially available. These robots ... -
StoutQuest: the journal of research at University of Wisconsin-Stout, no.8, 2014-2015
(University of Wisconsin--Stout. Provost’s Office, 2015)StoutQuest is the UW-Stout annual journal of faculty and staff research. The journal highlights the growing and diverse scholarship and applied research that happens every day among faculty, staff and students of Wisconsin's ... -
StoutQuest: the journal of research at University of Wisconsin-Stout, no.7, 2013-2014
(University of Wisconsin--Stout. Provost’s Office, 2014)StoutQuest is the UW-Stout annual journal of faculty and staff research. The journal highlights the growing and diverse scholarship and applied research that happens every day among faculty, staff and students of Wisconsin's ... -
StoutQuest: the journal of research at University of Wisconsin-Stout, no.6, 2012-2013
(University of Wisconsin--Stout. Provost’s Office, 2013)StoutQuest is the UW-Stout annual journal of faculty and staff research. The journal highlights the growing and diverse scholarship and applied research that happens every day among faculty, staff and students of Wisconsin's ...