Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Implementing Inquiry to Engage Student Voices: A Learning Investigation
On May 9, the students in my course completed the end of course survey for the chosen objectives determined to monitor if student expectations for the course met my perceptions regarding how I thought I was meeting those ...
Community of Practice 2010-2011 Summary Report: Implementing Appreciative Inquiry to Engage Student Voices
Five UW-Stout instructors worked during the 2010-2011 academic year to further previous classroom research by using the process of Appreciative Inquiry to increase student engagement.
StoutQuest: the journal of research at University of Wisconsin-Stout, no.7, 2013-2014
(University of Wisconsin--Stout. Provost’s Office, 2014)
StoutQuest is the UW-Stout annual journal of faculty and staff research. The journal highlights the growing and diverse scholarship and applied research that happens every day among faculty, staff and students of Wisconsin's ...
StoutQuest: the journal of research at University of Wisconsin-Stout, no.8, 2014-2015
(University of Wisconsin--Stout. Provost’s Office, 2015)
StoutQuest is the UW-Stout annual journal of faculty and staff research. The journal highlights the growing and diverse scholarship and applied research that happens every day among faculty, staff and students of Wisconsin's ...
StoutQuest: the journal of research at University of Wisconsin-Stout, no.6, 2012-2013
(University of Wisconsin--Stout. Provost’s Office, 2013)
StoutQuest is the UW-Stout annual journal of faculty and staff research. The journal highlights the growing and diverse scholarship and applied research that happens every day among faculty, staff and students of Wisconsin's ...
Methodology for exploring, documenting, and improving humanitarian service learning in the university
Through the use of service learning in higher education, universities hope to both provide real benefit to the partnering community and allow students to develop a greater understanding of course curriculum, their discipline, ...
Twitter in the engineering classroom
The micro-blogging platform, Twitter, has been employed by some in higher education as a tool for enhanced student engagement. This platform has shown promise as an educational tool for the promotion of critical reading ...
User Testing of a Continuum Manipulator for Assistive Technology
(Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, 2018-07)
The use of robots in assistive technology is well-studied, with numerous robotic arms for rehabilitative applications that have been designed and tested to-date, and several that are commercially available. These robots ...
StoutQuest: the journal of research at University of Wisconsin-Stout, no.5, 2011-2012
(University of Wisconsin--Stout. Provost's Office, 2012)
StoutQuest is the UW-Stout annual journal of faculty and staff research. The journal highlights the growing and diverse scholarship and applied research that happens every day among faculty, staff and students of Wisconsin's ...
StoutQuest: the journal of research at University of Wisconsin-Stout, no.4, 2010-2011
(University of Wisconsin--Stout. Provost's Office, 2011)
StoutQuest is the UW-Stout annual journal of faculty and staff research. The journal highlights
the growing and diverse scholarship and applied research that happens every
day among faculty, staff and students of Wisconsin's ...