Examining the Diagnostic Accuracy and Predictive Validity for FastBridge aReading and CBM-R on High Stakes State Tests
The current study examined the diagnostic accuracy of two common screening assessments in reading, FastBridge Adaptive Reading (aReading) and Curriculum Based Measurement of Oral Reading (CBM-R) when used to predict future performance on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment – Third Edition (MCA-III) in spring of 3rd grade. The sample consisted of 164 students enrolled in a school district in the Upper Midwest. Both screeners were moderately correlated with the MCA and had strong diagnostic accuracy; however, both screeners showed poorer sensitivity when vendor cut scores were applied. These results demonstrate the importance of considering local norms for the most accurate screening decisions. Future research could explore the diagnostic accuracy of both screeners combined, using other data to inform decision making, or exploring different cut-scores for defining “at-risk” students.
Curriculum Based Measurement of Oral Reading (CBM-R)
Reading comprehension--Ability testing.
Reading comprehension--Study and teaching (Elementary)
FastBridge Adaptive Reading (aReading)
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