Now showing items 1-10 of 30
Streamlining private class and university program creation processes
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2019)
Company XYZ needed to streamline processes for private class and university partnership program creation after a merger. Before the merger, the two processes were very different and after consolidating the teams, two ...
Summer contracts
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2019)
The UW-Stout was challenged with delivering more value effectively, with fewer resources, increased scrutiny of expenditures, and re-engage a workforce fatigued from ongoing funding cuts. This study evaluated the summer ...
Michael Lange Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020-06-05)
Lange, UW-Stout game design major, talks about making his senior game during the pandemic, how life has changed, and what he's doing to stay safe.
Glenda Jones Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020-05-29)
Jones, a professor at UW-Stout, discussed her experience with the COVID-19 pandemic through her perspective as a single mother and resident of Menomonie.
Madaline McConville Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020-06-01)
McConville, UW- Stout student, describes her last semester of college during the COVID-19 pandemic and how she's used technology to stay in touch with friends and family.
Jerry (Chiwei) Hui Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020-05-27)
Stout choir director discusses how his class has changed with the pandemic as well as the advocacy work he's taken up. He discusses how this pandemic has exposed the inequities among university students.
Scott Pierson Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020-05-26)
Member of Stout's Pandemic Planning Committee discusses how the crisis has impacted his work, the culture of the university, and international students.
Alexandra Hall Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020-06-08)
Hall discussed her experience as a professor at UW-Stout and as a healthcare provider during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Matthew Gunderson Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020-06-19)
Gunderson, UW-Stout graduate, talks about campus life in the pandemic, what he's doing to stay busy, and his involvement in Student Organizations.
Sophie Gelhar Oral History Interview
(UW-Stout Archives and Area Research Center, 2020-06-18)
Gelhar, UW-Stout student, talks about her internship in D.C., how the COVID-19 pandemic affected it, and how it affected the grieving process when her grandfather died.