Now showing items 401-406 of 406
Reducing repeat drunk driving offenses in Wisconsin
Shining a light on the dark figure of crime: Best practices and recommendations for sexual assault investigations for law enforcement agencies
The prevalence of sexual assault remains a significant concern within society, marked by a troubling underreporting trend that hampers effective prosecution and victim support. This seminar paper examines best practices ...
Effective components of a jail-based competency program (JBCR) and outpatient competency Program (OCRP)
The intersection between mental health and the criminal justice system has caused a public health crisis in the United States, leading to increasing competency evaluation and restoration referrals. This has resulted in ...
The school-to-prison pipeline: Recommendations for early intervention programming for juveniles involved in fights
Disruptive and violent behaviors are not a new problem that school administrators are dealing with. Although, the method by which those behaviors are dealt with has evolved over time. The implementation of exclusionary ...
Specialized veteran housing units during incarceration, and its reduction on recidivism: Recommendation for implementing more veteran housing units in correctional institutions
This research examines the needs for more correctional institutions to implement military veteran units, pods and or wings. Secondary research was conducted of articles, websites and other veteran and mental health resources, ...