Now showing items 1-10 of 406
Victim Blaming
Sex trafficked juveniles: Recommendations for treatment of victims
This seminar research paper investigated the need for trauma-informed treatment protocols among
law enforcement, victim advocates, and healthcare professionals to better ensure juvenile sex
trafficking victims are not ...
Police exploitation of social media for information, intelligence, and investigation
Communication is a crucial aspect of law enforcement, facilitating the exchange of vital information. As the latest form of communication, social media has become an integral part of this process. Given its novelty, the ...
Opioid and fentanyl training programs for law enforcement agencies to offer recommendations for practical components for an ideal opioid and fentanyl training program for law enforcement officers (or agencies)
The opioid and fentanyl crises have caused a public health crisis in the United States,
leading to increasing mortality rates and posing difficult challenges for law enforcement. This
research explores how law enforcement ...
Retaining police officers: Training programs and incentives law enforcement agencies use to retain police officers
This study investigates the complex factors that contribute to police officer retention, focusing on the challenges law enforcement agencies are facing in retaining law enforcement officers. This study further investigates ...