Now showing items 1-5 of 5
iOS deployment methods in Wisconsin K-12 schools
Wisconsin K-12 school districts are adopting iOS devices (iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone) to
address their technology needs. This study examines what general deployment methods are used
in conjunction with these devices. ...
The impact of technology-based review games on the performance of millennial students
Today's student is a member of the Millennial Generation, a social grouping that technology has
surrounded since birth. As technology continues to change at a rapid pace, the gap between the
generations is becoming ever ...
Technology integration through staff development
How does staff development in education insure that all learners meet the
intended learning outcomes? At the time of this study most staff development for
teachers was designed to get as many learners as possible familiar ...
Combining traditional face-to-face classroom strategies with online teaching methods
This study is a small scale study in which 41 students in two classes were subjected to two different teaching methods. During the research process, students were enrolled in an advanced junior level English class at a ...
iPad implementation in schools
As technology changes at an ever-increasing rate in today's world, it is vital that schools are adopting these new advancements as quickly as possible. One example of this is Apple's iPad. This tablet device has gained in ...