Browsing MINDS@UW Whitewater by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 298
The academic affects of Black fraternal membership
(2011)African-American fraternity members were examined in order to determine the affects Black fraternal membership has on classroom performance. The findings presented in the study provide further implications regarding the ... -
Actions speak louder than words : how social influence affects gen Z's attitude toward personalized marketing, brand loyalty, ad avoidance, and brand avoidance behaviors
(University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, 2021-05)Advertising on the internet is growing at the fastest rate of any medium today (Internet Advertising Bureau & PwC Advisory Services LLC, 2018, 2019). However, advertisers are struggling with understanding consumers’ ... -
Advance or drowned, international college students' use of social media in a learning environment
(2010)This study examines how international graduate students at UW-Whitewater use social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in a higher education setting. -
The affects of forgiveness on the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of sexual trauma
(2007-05-01)This study continues research pertaining to the affects of forgiveness on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms resulting from sexual trauma. The research question asked whether or not the ability to forgive would ... -
Affects of using Flocabulary
(2011)This report describes a study aimed at determining if using Flocabulary, a rap based vocabulary program, in conjunction with direct instruction targeting the necessary skills for determining word meaning, is an effective ... -
African agricultural water efficiency: a technical efficiency analysis of African agriculture
(University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, 2015-12)I investigate the impact water resource management and use of water inputs have on the efficiency of agricultural processes in Africa. The data was collected from NASA’s Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP), ... -
Anaerobic digester technology : the potential for cow-powered sustainability
(2012)Anaerobic digester systems break down manure and other substrates into their liquid, solid and gas components, all of which have valuable post-digestive applications, including electricity generation. Primarily due to their ... -
Anaerobic power profiles for track and field
(2008-12-02)This research sought to determine the importance of lower and upper body muscular power in relation to performance in track and field events. During the late competitive outdoor season, 32 male and female track and field ... -
Analysis of privacy threats in internet of medical things (IoMT) using machine learning
(University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, 2022-12)The growing market for Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) promises new conveniences for consumers while presenting new challenges for preserving consumers’ privacy. Most of the IoMT devices have sensors that keep capturing ... -
Anglo Norman chivalry: only a good bedtime story
(2007)Argues that "the image of the chivalrous Norman knight seen in literature did not exist in England during the Anglo-Norman period (11-12 Century CE). Instead, chivalry was a practice created to benefit and protect the ... -
Antecedents and consequences of online consumer engagement : investigating social media dispositions, social media goals, and brand engagement
(University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, 2020-12)Consumers are comfortable with social media and accept firms occupying the same digital space. They consume and create content in social media at varying levels as some consumers more readily engage with firms online than ... -
Antecedents and consequences of social media firm brand engagement : a framework for business-to-business social media brand engagement
(University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, 2023-12)The digital era has transformed how business-to-business (B2B) firms need to engage with customers and stakeholders to develop brands. Social media (SM) provides an opportunity for B2B firms to co-create brand value and ... -
Antecedents to taxpayer compliance : essays exploring the influence of personality and culture
(University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, 2017-08)The topic and “problem of tax compliance is as old as taxes themselves” (Andreoni, Erard, & Feinstein, 1998, p. 816). This statement helps explain why tax compliance issues remain such popular topics in the stream of ... -
Application of neurology : PET scans in social work
(2011)A poster containing visuals and text describing an undergraduate research project completed at the University of Wisconsin--Whitewater. This poster explains research conducted to examine how neuroscience may help social ... -
Applications of the principle of least effort in data transformation
(University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, 2019-12)I am interested in applying the Principle of Least Effort to data transformation in an effort to solve three important challenges in using video games as a testbed for the study of inverse reinforcement learning. These ... -
Applying social learning theory constructs to better understand non-prescription stimulant use in college students
(2017-01-03)Non-prescription stimulant use (NPSU) among young adults is a growing concern on college campuses, however there are only few studies that have empirically examined this phenomenon. The purpose of the present study was ... -
An approximation algorithm with additive error for extensive-form, pure Stackelberg games with a chance player
(University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, 2018-11)Substantial work has gone into finding techniques for solving real-world sized Nash games. Stackelberg Equilibria is another important solution concept for game theory models relevant to Computer Science, but much less ... -
Art and science: an interdisciplinary approach
(2006-12)Artist’s Statement: The work represented in this show was created over an eleven-year time span. The content within the pieces reflect upon three unrelated autobiographical events or themes but there are two points of ... -
Assertive and ambitious : do gender roles influence nascent entrepreneurs' intention to use business incubation?
(University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, 2018-12)Entrepreneurs are vital to the global economy as they create jobs, reduce unemployment, and accelerate economic growth. However, practitioners and scholars have recognized the existence of gender bias in opportunities and ... -
Assessing death anxiety in employees in a hospice setting
(2012)To measure hospice employees' perceptions of their own death, I implemented the Revised Death Anxiety Scale (RDAS) with a sample of 128 hospice employees. Participants were asked to include other information including age, ...