Now showing items 1-2 of 2
The Interrelationships Among Isokinetic Strength, Power, and Muscular Endurance in Male and Female Runners and Non-Runners
Seventy-nine Ss, 38 males and 41 females, were tested on 2 separate occasions for isokinetic strength, power, and muscular endurance on the Cybex I1 isokinetic dynamometer, Ss were grouped according to sex and weekly running ...
Prediction of Peak VO2 Values From 9-Minute Run Distances in Young Males, 9-14 Years
Thirty young male volunteers, 9-14.yrs, were studied to determine if a relationship existed between peak VO2 and the 9-min run distance.
Physical characteristics for a1l Ss included ht, wt, and % fat. Ss were tested for ...