Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Computer aided analysis of the backwater rehabilitation of Weaver Bottoms (Pool 5, Upper Mississippi River) / impacts on nursery habitat
Rehabilitation of riverine backwaters has become a major issue on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), but little data are available to evaluate the effects of proposed modifications on fish nursery habitat. This study was ...
Habitat utilization by cyprinids in a backwater area of Navigation Pool 7, Upper Mississippi River, 1982
The distribution and feeding patterns of several species of cyprinids were examined to determine the means by which partitioning of resources occured.
Distribution and enrichment of trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in bottom sediments of navigation pools 4 (Lake Pepin), 5, and 9 of the Upper Mississippi River
Surficial sediments from Navigation Pools 4 (ALP and LP) 5 (Weaver Bottoms) and 9, and sediment cores from lake Pepin were collected during 1979-1981. Sediment analyses were used to evaluate trace metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, ...
Reproductive biology, growth, and verification of three fish hosts of Magnonaias nervosa (Rafinesque, 1820) (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the east channel of navigation pool 10, Upper Mississippi River
Gametogenic development of Magnonaias nervosa (Bivalvia: Unionidae) was examined monthly from April 1986 to March 1987 in Navigation Pool 10 of the Upper Mississippi River. This species attains sexual maturity at a shell ...
Reproductive biology of three freshwater mussels (Bivalvia:unionidae) and incidence of parasitic glochidia on fishes in Navigation Pool 7 of the Upper Mississippi River with observations of host specificity of Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes, 1823)
Three species of adult freshwater unionid mussels were examined for reproductive development on about a weekly basis from May 1982 through
October 1982 and during Apri 1 1983 in Pool 7 of the Upper Mississippi River.