Now showing items 1-10 of 1804
How first-generation rural student veterans successfully navigate academic environments in higher education: A grounded theory.
First-generation rural student veterans face many unique challenges transitioning to and
succeeding in higher education. Despite these barriers, many first-generation rural student
veterans succeed in college persisting ...
Assessment of methods for DNA extraction from formalin-fixed fish specimens and a population genomic analysis of geographical disjunction in Southern Brook Lamprey (Ichthyomyzon gagei).
Conservation efforts are limited for many fishes, and genetic approaches using recent and
preserved collections could help address important knowledge gaps. Southern Brook
Lamprey, Ichthyomyzon gagei, predominately occur ...
Spatial and temporal variability of aquatic insect emergence in Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River.
Aquatic insect emergence provides an important nutrient subsidy to the terrestrial
ecosystem. However, little is known about the spatial and temporal variability in aquatic
insect emergence. This study examined the spatial ...
Updated distribution, population genetic structure, and local occurrence patterns of Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) and Lake Chub (Couesius plumbeus) in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) and Lake Chub (Couesius plumbeus) were
once thought to exist throughout the Black Hills, South Dakota; however, recent surveys
have documented dramatic declines. To inform future ...
Hear our voices: Supporting Black women in cultural & affinity-based student organizations at predominantly white institutions of postsecondary education in the midwestern United States
The United States is a nation rooted in imperialism, colonialism, and racism, built on the
backs of minoritized people whose perspectives are not reflected in dominant narratives
at every level of society. Historically, ...
Self-care, wellbeing, and mentoring related to transitions: Testimonios of womxn of color in student affairs
Using testimonios, this study shares experiences of how structural inequalities impact
self-care, wellness, mentoring, and career-related mobility of womxn of color in midsenior-level student affairs roles at PWI’s. ...
An update on the ecology of the La Crosse virus vector, Aedes triseriatus in western Wisconsin, USA
La Crosse encephalitis is a vector-borne disease in humans caused by La Crosse virus
(LACV). Since the 1980s, the number of LACV cases have declined in the Midwest.
Potential causes for this shift include a change in the ...
Evaluating suitable habitat for Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin between sandstone and dolostone rock geologies.
Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are the only stream trout native to Wisconsin and the
amount of suitable habitat in the state is projected to decrease substantially. Suitable
Brook Trout habitat is expected to remain ...
Evaluation of nutrient concentrations and genetic presence of cyanobacteria and their cyanotoxins in Lake Onalaska
Aquatic cyanobacteria blooms are becoming a global environmental concern due to their
ability to produce secondary metabolites in the form of toxins. It is important to
determine the abundance of genes specific to ...
Associations of polymorphisms in vitamin D and iron-related genes with vitamin D supplementation and iron status in women
Current evidence to guide and support nutrition recommendations is limited. Precision nutrition is a novel field of study that could direct patient protocols toward improving health outcomes using food as medicine. The ...