Now showing items 1-10 of 56
Identifying the needs of student teachers.
An e-mail survey and follow-up focus group were used to gain perspective into how a particular group of K-12 student teachers identified to what extent their needs were met in course work and field experiences in their ...
An Analysis of social distancing related to college students' iPod use.
The aim of theis study is to investigate whether a college student's usage of an iPod increases the social distance with others in social environments. The participants in this study were 89 graduate and undergraduate ...
Structural characterization of Methanobactin using NMR and mass spectroscopy reveals a new chemical structure.
Methanobactin ia a small copper-sequestering molecule produced by the bacteria Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. This research employed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectroscopy to elucidate the structure of ...
A moderate-intensity exercise program, fulfilling the ACSM net energy expenditure recommendations, improves health outcomes in premenopausal women.
The purpose of this study was to quantify the health outcomes associated with a moderate-intensity 10-week exercise program designed to achieve the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) net caloric expenditure guideline ...
Linguistic forms critical for academic success in preschool-aged Hmong children.
This study investigated the semantic and syntactic skills of young children learning Hmong as a first language and English as a second language. These oral language skills lay the foundation for literacy and future academic ...
Implementing Auto-focus in a Stereographic Projection System.
The goal of this project was to create a stereographical projection system capable of
producing an optimally-focused image. To
accomplish this, it was necessary to consider
the two optical systems which the projection
system ...
Peer pressure in the potty? : the relationship between the presence of others and an individual's decision to wash their hands.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether females at a Midwestern public university were just as likely to wash their hands when they were alone or whether the presence of others pressures them to practice healthy ...
Resting Metabolic Rate--Comparing Measured to Predicted Values.
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) reveals how many calories are burned throughout the day without any added body activity - eating, working, and exercise. Analysis of the results to date are tending to confirm the hypothesis ...
Development of a self-assessment tool to facilitate decision-making in choosing a major in health and aging service administration.
Researchers developed a self-assessment tool to help determine whether a health and aging services administration major is a compatible fit for someone. With input from professionals and in context with the literature, the ...
The New York City subway system.
This study anlyzes the relationship between ridership and socio-economic characteristics around the subway stations in New York City. Most of the attribute data used were obtained in electronic form from the New York City ...