Now showing items 1-10 of 98
Effectiveness of Programming to Enhance Research Mentoring for Diverse Students
Mentoring diverse students has become an important topic at colleges supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), as the methods needed for effective interactions with this population could be different from traditional ...
VISION 2025 : Emphasis on the Directory of Programs Initiative
The goal of the Directory of programs initiative is to create a publicly available directory of academic programs that are recognized as either already developed programs or aspiring programs available for students seeking ...
Familial and Societal Impacts on LGBTQIA+ College Students and Mental Health
The underlying goal of the research is to explore the lived experience of LGBTQIA+ students enrolled at Midwestern universities. The goal of this research is to identify possible patterns within their family experiences ...
Public University Student Newspapers and the First Amendment : An Overview of First Amendment Applications
This project on "Public University Student Newspapers and the First Amendment" aims to expand upon previous constitutional law research to understand the question of free speech and free press rights of students in public ...
How Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect the Mental Health and Academic Performance of College Students
Our research utilized the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) survey as a starting point to find how a student’s mental health may be influenced by the number of ACEs they report, and the effects that may have on academic ...
Canvas 2.0 : Implementation
This project is the second part of a larger project, following up on feedback from students on what they would like to see in an updated Canvas application. The two projects worked on based on feedback were a grade calculator ...
Freedom of Speech on University Premises in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
This project aims to better understand First Amendment freedom of speech and assembly rights on public university campuses within the context of COVID-19 policies that have been executed by administrators across the country ...
STEM Attitudes and Relation to Course Experience
HNRS 118: "Cognitive Electrophysiology," a new course added to the Honors Program colloquia Spring 2022, focuses on a methodology that records the electrical signals of the brain called electroencephalography (EEG). PURSUE ...
Comparing Risk and Protective Factors for Suicidal Behavior Among College Students with Disabilities
There is little research on risk and protective factors for suicide in individuals with different types of disabilities. Those with hidden disabilities may experience unique challenges that could increase their suicide ...
Canvas 2.0 : For Students, By Students
Canvas 2.0 is a homework planner/organization application that uses data from the university’s Canvas system to help students keep track of their assignments in one simple, organized space. Canvas 2.0 shares some similarities ...