Now showing items 1-10 of 472
FDM 3D-Printed 17-4 PH Stainless Steel : Its Properties, Behaviors, and Potential
17-4 PH stainless steel, often used in but not limited to the aerospace, medical, chemical, and food industries is a martensitic stainless steel known for its strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance. It is also magnetic ...
Effectiveness of Programming to Enhance Research Mentoring for Diverse Students
Mentoring diverse students has become an important topic at colleges supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), as the methods needed for effective interactions with this population could be different from traditional ...
Custom Smartwatch from Open-Source Design: Multi-Application Wifi and Bluetooth-Enabled Smartwatch Built from TTGO T-Display Development Board
The purpose of this project was to build a custom smart watch from an open-source design. Through this project, I was able to construct an affordable and fully programmable and customizable smart watch with WiFi and Bluetooth ...
Detection of Inferior Vena Cava Filters on CT Scans Using an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm
The IVC (inferior vena cava) is a large blood vessel that travels through the abdomen. An IVC filter is a spider-like flexible metal object which is compressed to sit inside of the IVC. IVC filters catch blood clots traveling ...
Peer Assisted Learning : Project Overview
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) is a small group of dedicated students that have been working to promote and recreate one of the primary Student/Faculty workspaces in the Communication and Journalism Department, known as the ...
Induced Chiral Mesophases from Achiral Naphthoate Derivatives in Self-Assembled Systems
The enhanced ordering arrangement of liquid crystals has been documented for well over a century, but the increase in popularity of inducible mesophases has emerged as a leading optioelectronic material. Applications ...
Assembling Algebraic Surfaces
Algebraic surfaces are beautiful objects that describe sets of space where a system of polynomials vanishes. Their surface is smooth, but can have corners, cusps, self-intersections, and sharp points. When 3D printing ...
"Good Wives! Good Women!" : Wisconsin Women's Labor on the Homefront During the American Civil War
When the Civil War began, Emily Quiner was a middle-class schoolteacher in Madison,
Wisconsin. When news about the attack on Fort Sumter was announced, Emily
immediately volunteered for the Union cause. She sewed flags ...
Hidden Among Us : Analyzing Public Reaction to the Secret Use of Nazi Scientists by the United States Government
Between the years of 1945 to 1959, following the conclusion of World War II, the United
States government brought roughly 1,600 Nazi scientists to America. Done out of “national
interest,” these scientists would assist ...
Begotten and Beguiled : Puritan Women's Communities and Gender Policing in 17th Century Colonial New England
In 17th century colonial New England, gender was intrinsically tied to power. For women
in Puritan communities, their marginal power came in their ability to properly wield their piety;
feminine traits that defined them ...