Now showing items 1-10 of 754
Santiago Waria (1541-1991) o Santiago Waria y Las primeras letras: la distopía urbana de Elvira Hernández
(Hispanic Poetry Review, 2005)
Unionidae of the Chippewa River, Wisconsin and selected tributaries, 1986-2002
"Bivalve mollusks belonging to the family Unionidae are sometimes called fresh water mussels, clams, or
naiades. In this paper they are referred to as Unionidae (unionids), even though one specimen found in this
study ...
The Emergent Church : Self-Identity Construction through Conversation
Our research looks at a Christian movement called the "Emergent" or "Emerging" Church and the identity they construct of themselves through books and online writings such as blogs. In the spirit of post-modernism, the ...
New textbook focuses on organizational rhetoric