Browsing MINDS@UW Madison by Title
Now showing items 8395-8414 of 15135
n-GaN surface treatments for metal contacts studied via X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
(American Institute of Physics, 2002) -
Naiyer Masud: A Prefatory Note
(Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1997) -
Name authority control in institutional repositories
(Taylor and Francis, 2009-04)Neither the standards nor the software underlying institutional repositories anticipated performing name authority control on widely disparate metadata from highly unreliable sources. Without it, though, both machines and ... -
Name Protection in Block Structured Programming Languages
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1976)Wulf and Shaw [1] have mentioned four deficiencies of Algol-like name scope rules (side effects, indiscriminant access, vulnerability, and no overlapping definition). In this paper a method is proposed to remedy these ... -
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2003) -
Nanofabrication of Electrospun Fibers for Controlled Release of Retinoic Acid
(8th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM 2013), 2013-03-25)The process of electrospinning has received a remarkable amount of attention as this technique can be used to encap-sulate bioactive agents into polymer nanofibers while varying topographies. Encapsulation of bioactive ... -
Nanoindentation dataset of paper submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earths entitled "Comparison of biotite elastic properties recovered by spherical nanoindentations and atomistic simulations - influence of nano-scale defects in phyllosilicates"
(2021-02-23)Phyllosilicate minerals, due to their sheets structure and morphology, are known to cause anisotropy in bulk rock properties and make the bulk rock more compliant. Accurately characterizing the micromechanical behavior of ... -
Nanometer Scale Atomic Structure of Zirconium Based Bulk Metallic Glass
(2011)We have studied the nanometer scale structure of bulk metallic glass (BMG) using fluctuation electron microscopy (FEM). The nanometer scale medium range order (MRO) in BMG is of significant interest because of its possible ... -
Nanoscale Strontium Titanate Sheets and Crystals
(2018-01-23)The physical properties of materials are dominated by their structure and composition. Insight into the structure of complex oxide materials has the potential to improve our understanding and eventually control of their ... -
Nanoscale Structural Characterization of Oxide and Semiconductor Heterostructures
(2018-10-11)According to a recent report from International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), semiconductor industry based on silicon Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology is facing challenges in terms ... -
Nanoscale Structure and Relaxation in Zr50Cu45Al5 Bulk Metallic Glass
(2012-05-11)Hybrid reverse Monte Carlo simulations of the structure of Zr50Cu45Al5 bulk metallic glass incorporating medium-range structure from fluctuation electron microscopy data and short-range structure from an embedded atom ... -
Nanoscale-SiC doping for enhancing Jc and Hc2 in superconducting MgB2
(American Institute of Physics, 2004) -
Nanosecond Structural Dynamics of Ferroelectric Oxide Thin Films
(2013)The functionalities of ferroelectric materials are closely related to the switchable spontaneous polarization and the polarization-structure coupling. A persistent effort has been made since the discovery of ferroelectricity ... -
(2018-05-31)This work presents a midpoint life cycle assessment (LCA) utilized in a cradle-to-grave analysis to compare the environmental and human health impacts of nano-scale silver (nAg) enabled polymer food storage containers with ... -
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison, 2014) -
Nar Folk Saknar Ideer Tillsatts Kommitteer
(1965-09-07) -
Narratives of Environmental Change: Mangroves, Shrimp Farming and Artisanal Fishing Communities in Ecuador
(1999)In recent years, many developing nations have reaped an economic windfall from the growth of shrimp aquacultute. Increasing demand for specialty seafood in the industrialized world, as well as a drive to diversify export ... -
Narratives, Care, and Creativity in Pedagogical Processes in Contexts of (Im)mobility and Exploitation of Women
(2023-05-01)With the aim of forming a dialogic learning space on women's migration, global health and human trafficking, the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 2015 has been developing the Global Health Circle of Care Course within ...