College of Letters and Science, University of Wisconsin–Madison
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Department of Physics, UW-Madison
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Experimental Constraints on Transient Glacier Slip with Ice-Bed Separation
(2024-11-01)Fast glacier motion is facilitated by slip at the ice-bed interface. For slip over rigid beds, areas of ice-bed separation (cavities) can exert significant control on slip dynamics. Analytic models of these systems assume ... -
Controls on glacial kettle morphology
(2024-11-01)Glacial kettles are surficial depressions that form in formerly glaciated terrain when buried stagnant ice melts within proglacial sediments, often deposited by meltwater streams. Kettles, like other glacial landforms, ... -
Eskers of the Lake Superior Region
(2024-11-01)Glacial landforms provide a valuable record from which to study the history and dynamics of past ice sheets. Eskers record paleo subglacial hydrologic and sediment transport conditions because they are composed of sediment ... -
Generic behavior of ultrastability and anisotropic molecular packing in co-deposited organic semiconductor glass mixtures
(Chemistry of Materials, 2024-03-29)Vapor-deposited glass mixtures of organic semiconductors commonly serve as active layers in organic electronic devices, whose lifetime and performance are strongly influenced by the stability and structure of these mixed ... -
High Density Two-Component Glasses of Organic Semiconductors Prepared by Physical Vapor Deposition
(Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, ACS publication, 2024-08-01)Physical vapor deposition (PVD) is widely utilized for the production of organic semiconductor devices due to its ability to form thin layers with exceptional properties. Although the layers in the device usually consist ... -
Antarctic extreme snowfall: A CloudSat and CALIPSO satellite perspective
(2024)The Antarctic Ice Sheet is a critical component of the Earth’s climate system, with its role in global sea level regulation becoming increasingly significant in a warming climate. Snowfall is a key factor in ice mass ... -
Saharan dust impact on radiative heating rate errors inherent in reanalysis data in the African Easterly Wave development region
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2024)Saharan dust outbreaks strongly impact the atmosphere’s energy balance, as their radiative effects can alter atmospheric heating rates by several degrees per day. However, numerical weather prediction models often struggle ... -
Environmental Conditions Impacting Late-Summer Sea Ice Concentration Predictability in the Northwest Passage
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2024)The Northwest Passage, located in the Canadian Archipelago, is a conglomerate of sea routes that connect the eastern and western sides of the North American continent. Historically, sea ice in the region has made it difficult ... -
Impact of tropical and boreal biomass burning on atmospheric composition
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2024)Atmospheric trace gases and aerosols emitted from biomass burning significantly influence atmospheric composition globally and locally on short-term and climatological time scales. Global chemical transport models (CTMs) ... -
Modeling and assessing the impact of nocturnal NOx chemistry on air quality
(2024)Nitrogen oxides (NOx ≡ NO + NO2) are air pollutants in the United States because they have direct human health impacts and play a central role in the production of secondary pollutants like ozone and particle pollution. ... -
Environmental controls of vertical motion over the maritime tropics
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023)Understanding what controls vertical motion profile shape is fundamental to understanding tropical precipitation patterns. There is not a comprehensive understanding of what controls the top-heaviness of vertical motion ... -
Development and application of adjoint sensitivity to potential vorticity and unbalanced flows in a numerical weather prediction model
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023)The adjoint of a numerical model provides a tool to measure the sensitivity of a chosen forecast aspect to small model state perturbations in the earlier time. For the response function describing the growth or behavior ... -
A phase plane based perspective of energetics of large scale tropical convection
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023)Rainfall and convection in the tropics has huge impacts on the lives and livelihood of almost 40 percent of the global population that resides there. However, we still lack a complete understanding of the full spectrum of ... -
Characterizing deep convective cloud properties and their energetic impacts in satellite observations
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023)Because atmospheric deep convection plays an important role in influencing Earth’s global energy budget, it is increasingly important to consider how deep convective cloud and energetic properties might change due to a ... -
Land-atmosphere interactions over the Indonesian Maritime Continent
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023)The “Maritime Continent” (MC) is the largest archipelago in the tropical region, consisting of over 22,000 islands and inhabited by more than 400 million people. This region has a significant impact on global atmospheric ... -
A macrosystems approach towards improved understanding of interactions between forest management, structure, function and climate change, and implications for the terrestrial carbon cycle
(University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023)Forests constitute a significant global carbon sink that continues to expand in size, in addition to supporting a range of environmental, economic, and social co-benefits. Forests interact with the overlying atmosphere ... -
Speciated Volatile Organic Compound Measurements in Downtown Chicago
(2024-06-19)Real time measurements of ambient volatile organic compounds were made using a Tofwerk’s PTR-ToF-MS equipped with an Aerodyne gas chromatography instrument in downtown Chicago (University of Illinois Science and Engineering ... -
Cloud Processing of DMS Oxidation Products Limits SO2 and OCS Production in the Eastern North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer
(2024-06-19)Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is the major sulfur species emitted from the ocean. The gas-phase oxidation of DMS by hydroxyl radicals proceeds through the stable, soluble intermediate hydroperoxymethyl thioformate (HPMTF), ... -
A Bibliography of Master of Arts in Southeast Asian Studies Theses at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Southeast Asian Studies
(2024-06-14)The University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) has provided an interdisciplinary Master of Arts in Southeast Asian Studies program since 1988. The document below is a bibliography of 163 ...