Browsing Special & Early Childhood Education Field Reports by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 109
Communication of Students with Severe Speech and Motor Impairments During Home-Based Literacy Activities
(2005-05)The present study examined the effects of emergent literacy experiences on the communication of four students with severe speech and motor impairments who ranged in age from seven to eighteen. Specifically, the intervention ... -
Bullying Behaviors: Victimization Rates of Students with Disabilities Compared to Students without Disabilities
(2005-12)This field report examined the rates of bullying among both regular and special education students. The purpose was to explore whether or not students with disabilities are bullied at higher rates compared with their ... -
Peer-Training Program: Disability Awareness in Inclusive Settings at the Elementary Level
(2006-05)Students with disabilities had been included in the general education environment at Wellington Elementary School in the Fox Valley of Wisconsin. However, such students were not experiencing social and behavioral success ... -
Teachers' Perceptions of lncluding Students with Emotional Behavioral Disabilities in Their Classrooms
(2006-05)This study looked at the perceptions of teachers that include students with emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD) into the classroom. The review of literature proved that students with disabilities do cause stress ... -
Perception of General Education Students of Students with Severe Cognitive Disabilities
(2006-05)This study explored the perceptions of general education students regarding individuals with severe disabilities, and perception changes when students with disabilities are included within the regular education classroom. ... -
Educational Kinesiology: Will the Connected Brain Please Stand Up?
(2006-05)Educational Kinesiology, specifically a program called Brain Gym®, advocated the use of specific exercises to assist individuals in overcoming disabilities. Their website also claimed that Brain Gym helped anyone perform ... -
The Effectiveness of Self-Regulation on Individual Target Behaviors of a Student with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
(2006-07)The researcher examined the effectiveness of self regulation on individual target behaviors of a student with emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD). A single subject design was utilized to determine if self-evaluation ... -
Special Education Teachers Perceptions on Teacher Burnout
(2006-07)Within the last decade, teacher burnout in special education has hit an all time high (Edmonson 2001; Nicols & Sosnowsky, 2002; Terry 1997). Educators have faced many changes in policy issues and other stressors that ... -
Teaching Recreation and Leisure Skills to Individuals with Moderate to Severe Cognitive Disabilities
(2006-12)This study explored if four individuals ages 18-20 with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities could be taught the skills needed to perform recreation and leisure skill activities in the community. A pre and post tests ... -
The Effectiveness of Self Selected Sensory Breaks with Individuals who have Autism and Display Atypical Behaviors in a Classroom Setting. A Review of its Effectiveness
(2006-12)The effects of self-selected sensory breaks with atypical behaviors observed in children with autism are investigated in this experimental study. Sensory processing abilities in individuals with autism are fluctuating ... -
Taking a Closer Look at Autism Rates In a Small Rural School District
(2007-05)This study examined prevalence rates in the United States, the State of Wisconsin and the local school district. It further investigated the perceptions of parents, educational and healthcare professionals about the rise ... -
Co-Teaching How Do General and Special Education Teachers Perceive Their Respective Roles in Various Co-Teaching Models?
(2007-05)Co-teaching is used in many different academic levels from elementary schools to college. Co-teaching can be both a positive and negative experience for those who participate in a co-teaching environment. Co-teaching is ... -
The Effect of Teaching "Following Directions" to High School Students with Mild Cognitive Disabilities
(2007-05)The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching following directions to high school students with mild cognitive disabilities when a social skills program was implemented into their daily routine. ... -
The Impact of Assistive Technology in Enhancing Literacy of Homebound Students
(2007-12)The effects of three interventions were examined in this study. The effects of the first and second intervention, Picture It! and Rf Coopers On-Screen Keyboard and Pix Writer, were compared with baseline performance on ... -
The Impact of Inclusion on Peer Attitudes toward Students with Severe Disabilities
(2007-12)The passage of PL 94-142 of 1975 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 have led to creating more inclusive learning experiences for students with disabilities. This study investigates the attitudes ... -
A Study of Problem Solving Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
(2007-12)This action research describes a program for improving mathematical problem solving in students with autism spectrum disorders. Participants were four boys, ages 11- 14, in a suburban middle school. During the 4-week ...