Special & Early Childhood Education Field Reports
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Correlation Between Social Emotional Development and Parental Level of Education
(2025-01)Social emotional development includes a child’s experiences, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (Cohen et al, 2005). The core features of ... -
How Behaviors from IEP and Special Education Students Impact all Students in Co-Teaching
(2024-08)This research project was on co-teaching, where two certified teachers share the same classroom to teach general education students and special education students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). The research ... -
What Strategies Do African American Males who have an IEP Find Helpful in Building Positive Relationships with School Personnel
(2024-08)African American males are disproportionately represented in special education programs, a trend that raised a lot of concerns about equity and inclusion in our educational and judicial system. This abstract examined the ... -
How Unified Classes Impact School Climate Perceptions for Students without Intellectual Disabilities
(2024-05-13)This report presents a study on the effect of unified physical education (PE) classes on perceptions of overall school climate and social inclusion. The study was designed to determine if there was a correlation between ... -
Co-Plan to Co-Serve Model in Mathematics
(2024-05-13)Inclusive education has become a common practice in many school districts to include students with disabilities into the regular education classrooms to the maximum extent possible. One model of inclusive education used ... -
Effectiveness of Stability Ball Seating in Special Education Classroom in Students with Autism
(2024-05-13)Students with autism spectrum disorders face multiple barriers to success within the educational environment. To maximize academic performance, educators continue to explore accommodations and modifications to the physical ... -
Increasing Task Completion Through Visual Supports
(2024-05-13)Schatz et al. (2021) reported that the number of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has doubled compared to 20 years ago and at least one student with ADHD is present in almost every general ... -
Efficacy of Contingency Contracting in Modifying the Attendance of High School Students with Special Needs
(2009-12)The effectiveness of contingency contracting on increasing the attendance rates of high school students with special needs was investigated. Following a single-subject research design, the attendance and promptness to ... -
The Effect of Directive Digital School-Parent Communication on Student Achievement and Behavior
(2018-05)The 'Effect of Directive Digital School-Parent Communication on Student Achievement and Behavior' study sought to determine the effectiveness of an eight-week school to parent communication intervention intended to ... -
Poverty and Name Writing in Four-Year Olds
(2014-08)This study investigated the relationship between name writing ability in four-year old children qualifying for free-or-reduced lunch at school. This research attempted to answer if name writing ability in a four year old ... -
The Effects of Visual Supports in the Transitioning of Students with ASD In the Elementary School Setting
(2007-12)The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of visual schedules in the transitioning of two boys with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) between activities within an autism resource room. The researcher measured the ... -
Perception of General Education Students of Students with Severe Cognitive Disabilities
(2006-05)This study explored the perceptions of general education students regarding individuals with severe disabilities, and perception changes when students with disabilities are included within the regular education classroom. ... -
Assessing a Rubric: Evaluating a Rubric's Ability to Provide Functional Data to Critique Curriculum and Improve Instruction
(2007-12)This study was a response to the mandates of Public Law 107-110, commonly known as The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, and its emphasis on the use of assessments to monitor student achievement, critique curriculum, and ... -
Educational Kinesiology: Will the Connected Brain Please Stand Up?
(2006-05)Educational Kinesiology, specifically a program called Brain Gym®, advocated the use of specific exercises to assist individuals in overcoming disabilities. Their website also claimed that Brain Gym helped anyone perform ... -
Parent Knowledge and Understanding of the Wisconsin Alternate Assessment
(2007-12)This project was a survey to parents of children with severe to moderate cognitive disabilities. The goal was to obtain information regarding parent knowledge and understanding of the Wisconsin Alternate Assessment for ... -
The Impact of Self-Advocacy Instruction on the Secondary Learning Disabled Student
(2007-12)The concept of self-advocacy has become important in the field of special education over recent years and has become an integral component of the high school experience for students with learning disabilities (LD). Most ... -
The Effectiveness of Self Selected Sensory Breaks with Individuals who have Autism and Display Atypical Behaviors in a Classroom Setting. A Review of its Effectiveness
(2006-12)The effects of self-selected sensory breaks with atypical behaviors observed in children with autism are investigated in this experimental study. Sensory processing abilities in individuals with autism are fluctuating ... -
Teaching Recreation and Leisure Skills to Individuals with Moderate to Severe Cognitive Disabilities
(2006-12)This study explored if four individuals ages 18-20 with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities could be taught the skills needed to perform recreation and leisure skill activities in the community. A pre and post tests ... -
Communication of Students with Severe Speech and Motor Impairments During Home-Based Literacy Activities
(2005-05)The present study examined the effects of emergent literacy experiences on the communication of four students with severe speech and motor impairments who ranged in age from seven to eighteen. Specifically, the intervention ...