Browsing UW-Stout Dissertations by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 71
A Profile and Perceived Needs of Wisconsin Correctional Educators
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2016)While there has been plenty of research on the impact that education programs have on inmates and recidivism, there has been little research on correctional educators. Not only is there a lack of training available to and ... -
Alignment of the Carl D. Perkins Act: A Multi-State Study of Two-Year Institutions
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2016)This study sought to identify alignment and allocation habits of public, two-year postsecondary institutions with the purpose and intent of the Carl D. Perkins Act. More specifically, it aimed at determining the primary ... -
The Impact of Spirituality on Nursing Education Experiences of African American Registered Nursing Students
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2016)The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the perceptions and experiences of African American registered nursing students enrolled in a post-secondary proprietary Career and Technical Education (CTE) institute. ... -
A Qualitative Study on the Influence of Quality Systems in Meeting Performance Funding Criteria in Wisconsin Technical College System Institutions
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2016)This case study investigated the influence of quality systems on meeting performance funding criteria in Wisconsin Technical College System institutions. Using qualitative text-analysis methodology, the case study identified ... -
Universal Design for Learning in Online Classes: A Study of Systemic Implementation in Wisconsin Technical Colleges
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2016)Applied to the online learning environment, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies proactively provide for learner variability by expecting and accepting learner diversity. This study explored how selected Wisconsin ... -
A qualitative look at one-year manufacturing program students' perceptions of manufacturing, work values, and enrollment decision factors
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2017)Manufacturing is a driving force of our economy and has transformed from low skill occupations to occupations focused on the utilization of technology resulting in a higher skill requirement. A combination of retirements ... -
Faculty perceptions of credit for prior learning: factors affecting acceptance, assessment and the diffusion of innovation
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2017)Meeting US workforce needs requires more adults to achieve post-secondary credentials. For adults, logistical challenges including family responsibilities, access obstacles, and financial constraints. Implementation of ... -
The impact of short term credentials: an analysis of a technical college customer service certificate program
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2017)This study sought to examine the lived experiences of participants of a grant funded, short term customer service certificate program for case managed unemployed adults, offered by a Midwestern technical college across two ... -
Characteristics of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America apprentice graduates of completing the apprenticeship program in Illinois
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2017)The purpose of this study was to discover the characteristics of union apprentice graduates that lead to completion of the registered apprenticeship program. Low level of completion and cancellation rates of apprenticeship ... -
Identification of Systems Thinking Fundamentals Within Post-Secondary HVACR Programs
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)Post-secondary HVACR programs have been identified as a resource for developing high-performance building technicians to match the ever-increasing complexity of modern commercial building systems. Systems thinking has ... -
Faculty Attitudes and Beliefs Toward Current Era Student Veterans at Mid-Western Institutions of Higher Education
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)The current military era is the longest period of sustained conflict in the nation’s history. Moreover, it is being fought by a contracting volunteer force of less than one half of one percent of the population. As veterans ... -
The Relationship Between the Price of College and First Year Enrollment at a Midwestern Technical College
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)A national movement has led to significant dialogue regarding the potential benefits of free college. Supporters suggest that additional financial resources will remove a barrier that limits access and attainment. This ... -
Effects of Promising Practices on Graduation Rates of Public Two-Year Colleges
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)Current graduation rates indicate a lack of persistence at public two-year community and technical colleges. This study identifies promising practices found to be effective in the way they help improve graduation rates ... -
Differences in College and Career Planning Perspectives of Middle School Students Across Cultural Identity Groups
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)Disparity in postsecondary transition rates of minority students as compared to their nonminority peers remains prevalent in the twenty-first century. This non-experimental quantitative study explored differences in ... -
Racialized Experiences and Academic Success of Minority Students in Postsecondary Career and Technical Education
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)This mixed method study examined the education success and experiences of racial and ethnic minorities (REM) at one technical college within the Wisconsin Technical College System. Through the use of quantitative archival ... -
A Mixed Method Evaluationof the Health, Wellness and Fitness Undergraduate Program as it Relates to Professional Preparedness
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)It is important for college and university academic programs to adequately prepare students for their professional careers. Program evaluation is a critical component in understanding if academic programs are developing ... -
Manufacturing Employer Engagement with High Impact Work-Based Learning Programs of Career Academy High Schools: A Qualitative Grounded Theory Study
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)Career and Technical Education provides the education and training to develop skills for the future workforce from local to global communities. Career academies are one model for education, aligning academic, CTE, and ... -
Determining the Usefulness of the WorkKeys Assessment for Advancing Wisconsin’s Collaborative Career Readiness Effort
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)Terms like skills gap and career readiness are used so frequently that they almost become trite. When digging further into the conversations surrounding these terms, there are many similarities. Ultimately, the focus is ... -
Understanding the Lived Experience: The Motivations Influencing Academic Deans in Midwestern Two-year Colleges to Persist in Educational Leadership
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)This qualitative study was intended to provide an understanding of the lived experiences of academic deans within their leadership role at two-year Midwestern colleges. Through semistructured interviews and a systematic ... -
Analyzing the design and evaluation of summer bridge programs at three community colleges within the Minnesota state system
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2017)This multi-case study was intended to understand the design and evaluation of summer bridge programs at three community colleges in the Minnesota State system. Through public information review, structured interviews, and ...