Browsing RDRC FY2021 Research Projects by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
WI21-01: Using Online SSDI Conversations to Improve Communication and Outreach
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Text analysis of data collected from online forum conversations, a form of user-generated content (UGC), reveals that Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applicants and recipients, the “customers,” share concerns ... -
EMF21-04: Effects of Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace Plans on Disability Claiming
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Health insurance marketplaces, a.k.a. “exchanges”, were established through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to facilitate individual access to affordable health insurance following the implementation of the individual ... -
EMF21-03: Effects of Income Payment Timing on Financial Shortfalls for Retirees and People with Disabilities
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)A key question that this study aims to explore is whether Social Security income payment timing affects financial shortfalls. We would expect that pay cycle would not affect likelihood of financial shortfall. However, this ... -
EMF21-01: Does a Requirement to Offer Retirement Plans Help Low-Income Workers Save for Retirement? An Early Evidence from the Oregon Saves Program
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)This study examines the first implemented state-run retirement program (Auto IRA) in Oregon (OregonSaves) in 2017 and provides early evidence of the significant impact on saving for retirement among uncovered private worker. ... -
EMF21-02: The Role of Health Insurance in the Latinx-White Wealth Gap in the United States
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Latinx people have substantially less wealth than non-Latinx, White persons in the United States. One underexplored mechanism behind this wealth gap is healthcare coverage. This study asked: How does healthcare insurance ... -
WI21-04: The Changing Task Content of Jobs for Older Workers in the United States
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)With data on occupational task content from O*NET and ORS and survey data from the American Community Survey (ACS) and 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79), we document how the physical, cognitive, routine, ... -
WI21-10: Older Adult Out-of-Pocket Pharmaceutical Spending After Home Mortgage Payoff
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Older adult homeowners increasingly carry mortgage debt into retirement. The share of homeowners aged 65 and older with outstanding mortgages doubled between 1989 and 2016, while the outstanding loan-to-value ratio tripled ... -
WI21-11: Consequences and Response to Identity Theft Victimization among Older Americans
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Society’s growing reliance on technology to transfer private information has created more opportunities for identity thieves to access personal data. Research on identity theft, specifically among older adults, is virtually ... -
JSIT21-01: The Effect of the SSI Student Earned Income Exclusion on Education and Labor Supply
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)The SSI program pays about $50 billion per year to 8.7 million low-income, disabled or aged Americans, but it requires recipients to earn less than $1,673 per month to remain eligible. This income threshold can be particularly ... -
JSIT21-04: The Impact of Medicaid Enrollment Expansion on the Health Well-being of Social Security Beneficiaries
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Medicaid is a necessary source of supplemental healthcare coverage for Social Security beneficiaries, however, there are various regulations in place regarding eligibility to receive Medicaid for these low-income people ... -
WI21-07: Economic Security in Retirement: How Does Borrowing from Home Equity After a Health Shock Affect Health Outcomes?
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)The onset of a costly disease in retirement can present a significant threat to economic security. Older adults often self-insure against these risks by accumulating wealth, including home equity. For many older adults, ... -
WI21-02: Retirement in the Context of Intergenerational Transfers
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)The literature examining the motivation for, and consequences of, retirement has tended to focus primarily on retirees and their spouses. However, since the decision to retire is deeply rooted in extended family ... -
WI21-03: Assessing Vulnerability to Social Security Scams
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Over the last few years, Social Security scams have become one of the most common forms of government imposter fraud. These scams cost innocent people in the United States millions of dollars each year and undercut the ... -
WI21-08: Employment Shocks, Unemployment Insurance, and Caregiving
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Working Americans are increasingly taking on various caregiving roles for family members. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of job loss and income supports on the labor supply, economic well-being, and caregiving ... -
WI21-05: The Effects of Expanding Access to Mental Health Services on SS(D)I Applications and Awards
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)The growing number of individuals suffering from a serious mental illness underscores the important role of interventions such as treatments, policies, and programs to support those in need. Such support efforts often ... -
JSIT21-03: SSI Policy and Homeownership: Patterns Across Categories of Disability and Race
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)For low- and middle-income households, homeownership is a pathway to building wealth and to ensuring stable and secure housing. People with disabilities, low-income households, and Black families all experience substantially ... -
JSIT21-02: Income Volatility and Social Security: Understanding Farm Losses and their Implications
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Farm and ranch operators in the United States are an economically vulnerable group. Many family-owned farms without younger family members interested in farming face difficult retirement decisions. In addition, unlike other ... -
JSIT21-05: Medicaid Receipt and Health Outcomes in Youth with Sickle Cell Disease Authors
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Youth diagnosed with sickle cell disease (SCD) are at risk for morbidity, mortality, and decreased quality of life. The receipt of Medicaid among youth diagnosed with a chronic illness is associated with favoring outcomes, ... -
WI21-Q1: Access to a Local Public Housing Authority Office and SSI Participation
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)This project seeks to understand what types of counties have a brick-and-mortar local Public Housing Authority (PHA). Since there are more people eligible for housing assistance than there are benefits available, allocations ... -
WI21-01: Using SSDI Conversations in Online Forums to Improve Communication and Outreach
(Center for Financial Security, 2021)Text analysis of data collected from online forum conversations, a form of user-generated content (UGC), reveals that Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applicants and recipients, the “customers,” share concerns ...