Browsing 2018 by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
The Effect of a Visual Distraction on Test-Taking Performance
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2019)Test performance is of the utmost concern for students. This is why a distraction during an exam is a concerning matter. Many studies have examined the different factors that can affect a student’s performance on an exam, ... -
Effect of Competition on Muscular Performance
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)Competition is a prevalent motivator in everyday life. Previous studies have proven that competition influences hormonal levels and thus affect performance. The purpose of this study was to identify these physiological ... -
The Effect of Hyper-Oxidative Breathing on Physical Endurance
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2019)Increasing endurance can have important implications for anyone looking to improve their physical performance. Hyper-oxidative breathing techniques, such as the one utilized in the Wim Hof Method, have been proven ... -
The Effect of Inducing Stress on Physiological Response and Cognitive Performance
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)Students experience many different types of stressors throughout their education. College students often have multiple exams in a short period of time, inducing higher levels of stress that may negatively impact cognitive ... -
The Effect of Language Recognition in Music on Short-Term Memory Recall and Physiological Stress Response
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2019)Adolescent and young adult students frequently listen to music while studying. While there is extensive research on the effects of music on memory, there is little evidence regarding whether style of music or language ... -
The Effect of Personality on Startle Response
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)The emotion of fear is often accompanied by increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling. Fear can be the result of startling events experienced in everyday life. Expression of different personality traits may correlate ... -
Effect of Rose Scent on Physiological Signifiers of Anxiety
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2019)This study was designed to determine the efficacy of using aromatherapy to treat the physiological symptoms of stress. While taking a high school level math skills test, experimental participants were exposed to aromatherapy ... -
The Effect of Sympathetic Nervous System Stimulation on Skeletal Muscle Reflex Response Time
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)The sympathetic response, also known as fight or flight, is a physiological response that occurs due to a perceived threat to survival. It can physiologically be observed through an increase in heart rate, respiratory ... -
The Effects of an Auditory Stimulus on Exercise Duration
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2019)The utilization of distractions while exercising has become an increasingly popular way to make the exercising experience as enjoyable as possible. Many previous studies have focused on the use of music as a form of ... -
Effects of Caffeine Consumption on Physiological Markers of Stress
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2019)Caffeine is known to be used by college students to help stay awake, focus and increase academic performance. Caffeine’s biological mechanisms are fairly well-understood, but its effect on a stress response should be ... -
The Effects of Calming Stimuli on the Homeostatic Return of Physiological Responses After an Acute Psychological Stress
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018) -
The Effects of Chewing Gum on Physiological Stress Responses and Cognitive Recall
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)The objective of this study was to evaluate how chewing gum both affects physiological stress responses directly and short-term memory indirectly. It was hypothesized that chewing gum will directly attenuate the elicited ... -
Effects of Controlled Meditation on Stress Response Elicited by a Timed Mathematics Test
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2019)In daily life, human beings encounter a number of different stressors that elicit a physiological response. Previous studies have demonstrated that mindfulness meditation is effective in reducing the physiological stress ... -
Effects of Different Auditory Stimulation on Physiological Stress Response
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)Stress, such as that elicited by test anxiety, can be caused by many factors. Because the body reacts to stress in a variety of ways, several measurements can be obtained to quantify the stress response. Listening to ... -
Effects of Divided Attention on Working and Long-Term Memory
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)In today’s classroom, students commonly watch videos, play games, or browse the internet while completing homework or participating in class. With the increasing use of technology in all aspects of our life, research ... -
Effects of Gum Chewing on Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, and Short-Term Recall
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)Finding novel solutions to increase memory and retention abilities can provide strategies for improved performance in testing situations. Chewing gum has been proposed as a means to increase memory retention abilities ... -
Effects of Music Tempo on the Stress Response to Short Term Memory and Problem Solving Tests
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)The aim of this study was to determine the effect of music and music tempo on stress responses in the body while performing both simple memory tests and tests that require higher-level cognitive function. Twenty-four ... -
The Effects of Peppermint-Flavored Chewing Gum on Parameters Related to Physical Fitness
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)Exercise is one of the first things that comes to mind when thinking about improving physical fitness. However, the effects of exercise on fitness are a function of many other factors. The purpose of this study was to ... -
Effects of Residential Habituation on Physiological Response to Auditory Stimuli
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018) -
Effects of Static Stretching on Electrodermal Activity, Electromyography, Muscle Force, and Muscle Fatigue
(Journal of Advanced Student Sciences (JASS), 2018)Many Americans exercise to live a healthy lifestyle and be fit. A common precursor to many exercises is some form of stretching. Previous research has shown that static stretching may impact our performance in exercising ...