School of Education
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Teacher Perceptions and Practice with Queer Students
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-12)Research shows that classrooms and schools that are supportive of queer students can significantly reduce the adverse effects that queer students face. However, the current educational climate is less than supportive for ... -
Education for Sustainable Development Competencies in a Community-Engaged Art Workshop
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-12)In this case study, I aimed to help solve community sustainability problems through a university-led, community-engaged art workshop called First Responder Art Collaboration Training (FACT) that led students and first ... -
Implications of Virtual Credit Recovery on High School End-of-Course State Exams
(IGI Global Scientific Publishing, 2025)In the State of Georgia, high schools must administer End-of-Course (EOC) exams to students enrolled in the specific courses for accountability purposes. Students who fail these exams must retake the course until credit ... -
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Postsecondary Education: Rethinking Policy and Course Design
(IGI Global Scientific Publishing, 2025)Employing generative artificial intelligence (GAI) for educational purposes has implications for both pedagogy and policy. Many postsecondary educators fear GAI will prevent students from developing the necessary skills ... -
Digital Touchpoints (Issue #1, Fall 2024)
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2024-12)Teaching and learning with digital technologies is a complex matter in today’s P-12 classrooms. As we continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers must make sense of the shifting landscape of what daily teaching ... -
Climate Change Education in Universities: Instructors’ Perceptions of Risk, Motivations, and Barriers
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)Climate change is a pressing global issue that has a short window for action and mitigation. In this study, I utilized protection motivation theory (PMT) to examine relationships among tertiary-level instructors’ perceptions ... -
Utilizing the Multidimensional Framework for Inclusive Literature in Teacher Education
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-08)In the United States, the student body is increasingly more diverse in ethnicity, family structure, and race; yet oftentimes libraries are not representative of these students. This dissertation aims to develop and provide ... -
Exploring the Interplay: STEM Education, Sustainability Contexts, and Educator Competence in Systems Thinking
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-07)Currently, STEM education and Education for Sustainability (EfS) are viewed as disconnected educational approaches in Pennsylvania classrooms. While both offer promising outcomes and have overlapping goals, research shows ... -
Open Books, Open Minds, Open Hearts: School Librarians' Perceptions of Inclusive Children's Literature
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)The purpose of this cross-sectional quantitative survey study was to learn Wisconsin school librarians’ perceptions of inclusive children’s literature and determine the presence of any value conflict. I used exploratory ... -
Integration of Sustainability Education into Teacher Professional Learning: A Case Study
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-01)With large-scale wicked problems threatening our world, the integration of sustainability into teacher professional learning is systemically lacking in the United States. The purpose of this case study was to understand ... -
Remote Work Experiences of Millennial-Aged People of Color in Academic Advisor Roles in Wisconsin during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)The purpose of this study was to investigate the remote work experiences of Millennial-Aged People of Color (MAPOC) in academic advisor roles in Wisconsin during the COVID-19 pandemic, what influenced their experiences, ... -
Exploring Wellness Coaching for High-Stress Educators in Urban Public Schools
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)This was a study of wellness coaching in high-stress urban schools. I interviewed a purposive sample of coaches in edwell's program to ask whether they used their skills, perspectives and tools to foster educator wellness. ... -
Mindfulness in Sustainability Education
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-06)This study was about a university course, Mindfulness & Sustainability (GC495), that I designed, instructed, and assessed. Twenty-one students and I went on a mindful learning journey; together we cultivated a community ... -
Montessori: Serving the Needs of Children in Areas of Special Education
(College of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1981-12) -
Montessori: On Teaching Reading and the Love of Reading Simultaneously
(College of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1981-12) -
Perceptions of Environmental Justice in an Adult-Education Program
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)Pellow’s (2018) four pillars of Critical Environmental Justice (CEJ) provided a framework to address environmental justice challenges in this study of the San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition’s (SDUSC) Climate Ambassador ... -
Global Citizenship Education in Rural Wisconsin Schools: Exploring Current Landscape & Opportunities For Expansion
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2023-12)In this study I sought to explore the current state of global citizenship education in rural Wisconsin schools, including perceived benefits, barriers, successes, supports, and visions for the future, as well as opportunities ... -
Social Inclusion through Museum Education Since 2020: A Phenomenological Sustainability Study
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-04)In 2020, museums across the United States issued statements publicly affirming a connection between public history and oppression of marginalized communities. Since then, critical discussions have increased about the ability ... -
Sustainable Procurement Behavior Among Contracting Officers
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)In this study, I investigated the Department of Defense Contacting Officers' reported behaviors to implement environmental criteria into federal acquisition processes. I intended to enhance sustainability in Department of ... -
Schoobio: Increasing Biocultural Diversity and Climate Resilience on School Grounds through Student Civic Engagement
(International School Ground Alliance (ISGA) conference, Hasselt, Belgium, 2024-04-23)We are experiencing an international loss of species, with fragmented habitats and climate change primary causes. Biodiversity loss impacts the cultures of many people, as our culture is how we experience the value of ...