Now showing items 1-10 of 1346
Environmental Life Responsibility: Problem of Water Resource Rational Use
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1997-11-10)
This live interactive teleconference on environmental education was organized as part of a cultural exchange between the University of Wisconsin System and the Russian Academy of Education. Perry Cook and Henry St Maurice ...
Remote Work Experiences of Millennial-Aged People of Color in Academic Advisor Roles in Wisconsin during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the remote work experiences of Millennial-Aged People of Color (MAPOC) in academic advisor roles in Wisconsin during the COVID-19 pandemic, what influenced their experiences, ...
Perceptions of Military Spouses Working In Federal Employment on Changes in Their Work Environment During a Pandemic
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2023-05)
In this study I used a systems-thinking framework through the chaos theory of careers. I as-signed categories from the military-spouse employment collective framework (MSECF) as at-tractor types. I addressed the following ...
Integration of Sustainability Education into Teacher Professional Learning: A Case Study
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-01)
With large-scale wicked problems threatening our world, the integration of sustainability into teacher professional learning is systemically lacking in the United States. The purpose of this case study was to understand ...
Reducing Music Teacher Attrition Rates: How to Better Prepare Music Teachers to Stay in the Classroom
(College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2024-07)
This study is an investigation into why music teachers are leaving the profession and the possible connection between attrition and gaps in teacher training. Seven former music teachers were interviewed for this study. It ...
Cultivating Harmony Across Generations: Exploring the Benefits of Intergenerational Music Making
(College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2024-07)
This study highlights the benefits of participating in a community band, focusing on personal wellness, musical improvement, and inclusivity. Seven (7) musicians who have or are currently participating in a community band ...
Open Books, Open Minds, Open Hearts: School Librarians' Perceptions of Inclusive Children's Literature
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)
The purpose of this cross-sectional quantitative survey study was to learn Wisconsin school
librarians’ perceptions of inclusive children’s literature and determine the presence of any value
conflict. I used exploratory ...
Mindfulness in Sustainability Education
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-06)
This study was about a university course, Mindfulness & Sustainability (GC495), that I designed, instructed, and assessed. Twenty-one students and I went on a mindful learning journey; together we cultivated a community ...
Advancing broodstock selection to optimize brook trout stocking in Wisconsin
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2024-05)
Abstract - Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis is the only native stream-dwelling salmonid to many parts of central and eastern North America and has been intensively stocked across its native range. As wild brook trout ...
Exploring Wellness Coaching for High-Stress Educators in Urban Public Schools
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)
This was a study of wellness coaching in high-stress urban schools. I interviewed a purposive sample of coaches in edwell's program to ask whether they used their skills, perspectives and tools to foster educator wellness. ...