MINDS@UW Stevens Point
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(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2024-12)Lake Michigan lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) support the lake’s largest commercial fishery and is comprised of multiple stocks managed across a series of geopolitical management zones (MZs). Limited movement among ... -
Validating Habitat Conservation Models: UAS-Based Density Estimation of Breeding Ducks and Sensitivity Analysis of the Wisconsin Waterfowl Habitat Conservation Strategy
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2025-01)In the early 20th century, waterfowl populations in North America faced sharp declines primarily due to overharvesting and habitat loss. In response, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) was established in ... -
Brook Trout and Fish Community Use of Spring Ponds Within the Plover River System, Wisconsin
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2025-01)Protecting refugia that provide suitable thermal habitat could be crucial for the persistence of sensitive fish species amid variable and warming climates and anthropogenic habitat alterations. For instance, Wisconsin has ... -
Bigmouth and Smallmouth Buffalo in Wisconsin: Population Characteristics and Contributions to Bowfishing Harvest
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2025-01)Bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) and smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus) are native to the midwestern USA and receive little management attention due to their status as non-game fishes. As a result, little is known ... -
Delineation and Spatial Distribution of Lake Superior's Walleye Stocks
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2025-01)Understanding spatial genetic variation within and among wild populations is a key factor for informing conservation. In fishes, reductions in abundance often result in losses of genetic diversity that can lead to declines ... -
Capacity Corner #28
(2024-09-22)The article highlights the importance of building programmatic capacity for lake health through leadership, project completion, expertise growth, funding access, and community power. It showcases success stories of ... -
The Power of Storytelling
(2024-12-01)Jen Rubin emphasizes the importance of storytelling in communicating the urgency of environmental issues. Rubin argues that while data and facts are crucial, they often fail to engage people who are not already aware of ... -
Effects of Landscape Characteristics on Aquatic Biodiversity in Restored Wetlands
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2024-12)Globally, wetlands are one of the most critical ecosystems. Wetlands provide habitat for a diversity of organisms, sequester carbon, cycle nutrients, trap sediments, and abate flooding. Despite their importance, wetlands ... -
Education for Sustainable Development Competencies in a Community-Engaged Art Workshop
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-12)In this case study, I aimed to help solve community sustainability problems through a university-led, community-engaged art workshop called First Responder Art Collaboration Training (FACT) that led students and first ... -
Implications of Virtual Credit Recovery on High School End-of-Course State Exams
(IGI Global Scientific Publishing, 2025)In the State of Georgia, high schools must administer End-of-Course (EOC) exams to students enrolled in the specific courses for accountability purposes. Students who fail these exams must retake the course until credit ... -
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Postsecondary Education: Rethinking Policy and Course Design
(IGI Global Scientific Publishing, 2025)Employing generative artificial intelligence (GAI) for educational purposes has implications for both pedagogy and policy. Many postsecondary educators fear GAI will prevent students from developing the necessary skills ... -
Digital Touchpoints (Issue #1, Fall 2024)
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2024-12)Teaching and learning with digital technologies is a complex matter in today’s P-12 classrooms. As we continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers must make sense of the shifting landscape of what daily teaching ... -
Effect of Prairie Dog Burrow Density on Intensity of Ticks on Small Mammals in South Dakota
(The 31st Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 2024-10-23) -
The Effect Of General Anxiety On Collegiate Singers
(2024-07)The singing voice is known to be affected by bouts of anxiety. This study considers the effects of anxiety on the voice and how vocalists can combat these setbacks. The discussion includes tips and tricks for alleviating ... -
Movement, Play, and Games: How Do They Assist Students in Exploring Music and How Comfortable are Music Teachers Incorporating Them in the Classroom?
(College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2024-05)This study examines the importance of play and games and movement in the elementary school classroom. It also looks at how comfortable elementary general music teachers are with incorporating them into their classroom. ... -
Climate Change Education in Universities: Instructors’ Perceptions of Risk, Motivations, and Barriers
(School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)Climate change is a pressing global issue that has a short window for action and mitigation. In this study, I utilized protection motivation theory (PMT) to examine relationships among tertiary-level instructors’ perceptions ... -
(College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2024-08)This study explores the effects of integrating drum circles, frequently utilized in music therapy contexts, on improvisational skills within an elementary general music education class. A pretest and posttest were used ... -
UW-Stevens Point Organics Diversion and Composting Program Academics and Operational Action
(Universities of Wisconsin, 2024-09-19)The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP) has been actively managing its organics for decades. Over the past 10-15 years, UWSP has managed upwards of 140,000 pounds of organics per year, which includes leaves, grass ... -
Sustainable Approaches to Advancing Health Equity for Rural Populations Through Physical Therapy Professions Education
(Universities of Wisconsin, 2024-09-19) -
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Campus Forest Management Plan
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2024-09)The University of Wisconsin Stevens-Point takes pride in the natural resources that are part of the campus. One of the campus’s largest and most beneficial natural resource is the campus tree population. Having a management ...