Teaching 9/11 and the War on Terror National Survey of Secondary Teachers
The findings from this national survey of US secondary social studies teachers provides insights into what is being taught about the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC, and the resulting Global War on Terror. Findings include the topics being taught, where these topics are included in World History, US History, and Government/Civics courses, curriculum and materials used frequently, and the barriers or challenges teachers perceive in teaching about these events.
Principal funding for the project was provided by the September 11th Education Trust. Additional funding was provided by the William & Mary Foundation.
Please cite as: Stoddard, J. (September 1, 2019). Teaching 9/11 and the war on terror: national survey of secondary teachers. Madison, Wi: University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Social Studies Education; September 11, 2011; terrorism;
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