Browsing UWSP theses by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1102
The 1978 Wisconsin Gubernatorial Campaign : A Burkeian Interpretation of Republican Candidate Lee Sherman Dreyfus" Debate Rhetoric
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1984-05) -
Abundance, Habitat Selection, and Food Habits of Grassland Birds in 3 Non-Native Grasslands in Northern Illinois
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1990-08)Populations, abundance, habitat selection and food habits of 7 species of grassland birds were examined in 3 types of perennial non-native grasslands (fescue, mixed grass, grass/forb) in DuPage County, Illinois during ... -
Academic Probation: How Students Navigate and Make Sense of their Experiences
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2010-10)This study explores how students on academic probation navigate and make sense of their experiences at one university. Quantitative methods were used to determine what student characteristics were most overrepresented ... -
An Action Plan to Demonstrate Infusion of Environmental Education at Jackie Robinson Middle School
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1995)This paper describes the development and- the implementation of a plan to demonstrate the infusing of environmental education (EE) into the curriculum at Jackie Robinson Middle School (JR), in the Milwaukee Public School ... -
Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Nitrate to Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Embryos and Larvae
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2002)Increasing concentration of nitrate in groundwater is becoming an environmental health concern. Nitrate levels in pore spaces of groundwater upwelling zones of the Little Plover River, a cold, groundwater-fed stream ... -
Adapting the European Forest Kindergarten Model to Urban Areas
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2016-06) -
Addressing the Importance of Significant Life Experiences: Designing a Parenting Program to Reconnect Families to Nature
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2016) -
Adult Student Experiences at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2010-07)This thesis, using qualitative data, a grounded theory approach, and symbolic interaction theory, explores the experiences adult students have had while attending the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point. This exploratory ... -
Adults' Perceptions and Comprehension of Foreign-Accented Speakers
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Professional Studies, 2013-06)Purpose: This study had three purposes. The first purpose was to investigate what perceptions adults form about mildly and moderately foreign-accented speakers. Next, how intelligible Young Adults (YA), Middle Aged Adults ... -
(College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2023-12)In the last 20 years the American journalism industry has undergone a series of great structural changes while simultaneously battling for its economic survival. (Pew, 2023) The techniques and tactics, products and ... -
Advancing broodstock selection to optimize brook trout stocking in Wisconsin
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2024-05)Abstract - Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis is the only native stream-dwelling salmonid to many parts of central and eastern North America and has been intensively stocked across its native range. As wild brook trout ... -
Adventure Project for the Wisconsin 4-H Naturespace Curriculum : Volume 1 of 2
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1987-05)The Adventure Project is one portion of Naturespace, the Wisconsin 4-H environmental education curriculum. The project provides opportunity for self-propelled outdoor sports activities such as bicycling, camping, canoeing ... -
Adventure Project for the Wisconsin 4-H Naturespace Curriculum : Volume 2 of 2
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1987-05) -
Age, Sex, Reproductive Characteristics and Harvest of Wisconsin Red Fox
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1979-05)A sample of 203 red fox (Vulpes vulpes) were collected from three ecologically distinct areas of Wisconsin during 1972-73. The sex ratio of the statewide sample is 55 percent males to 45 percent females. Sex ratios ... -
Agricultural Chemicals, Land Use, and Their Impacts on Stream and Ground Water Quality in the Little Plover River Watershed
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1998-08)The Little Plover River watershed is located in Central Wisconsin just southeast of Stevens Point. It is an area of glacial till and outwash with some Cambrian sandstone outcrops overlying a Precambrian crystalline bedrock ... -
The Alcoholic Family : Female Adult Children of Alcoholics and Their Leadership Styles
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Fine Arts and Communication, 1997)The purpose of this study was to examine the ways in which family of origin influences impacted Female Adult Children of Alcoholics' leadership styles. Methods of data collection include: (1) The Children of Alcoholics ... -
The Alexander Technique and Body Mapping a Strategy for Voice Teachers and Choral Directors
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2009-08)The Alexander Technique and Body Mapping are invaluable additions to vocal studio and choral settings. Understanding the places of balance and the proper use of the body will allow the voice to sing with freedom, resonance ... -
Alexander Technique and Body Mapping Principles for the Suzuki Violin Teacher
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2018-11) -
An American Indian Home Economics Curriculum : Wisconsin Indians - Home and Family Life Styles and Traditions : Developed for Grades 7 - 12
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1984) -
The Analysis and Development of an Environmental Education Curriculum for the Rosholt School District with Inservice for the Middle School
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1995-05)This project was developed to improve environmental education at the Rosholt Middle School in Rosholt, Wisconsin through revising and operationalizing the environmental education curriculum. Rosholt is found in Central ...