Browsing UWSP theses by Title
Now showing items 1055-1074 of 1102
Walleye (Sander Vitreus) Spawning Habitat Selection and Dynamics in a North-Temperate Wisconsin Lake
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2006-12)Critical to the conservation and management of sustainable populations of walleye, Sander vitreus, throughout North America is the need to understand what comprises and compromises high quality spawning habitat. In ... -
Walleye and Muskellunge Movement in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes, Vilas County, Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2006-05)I quantified movement and spawning-lake fidelity for walleye Sander Vitreus and Muskellunge Esox masquinongy in the Manitowish Chain of 10 interconnected lakes in Vilas County, Wisconsin. I marked 7,427 walleye (55-2,720 ... -
The Walleye Population and Fishery in the Red Cedar River, Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1975-09)Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), were tagged and a partial creel survey conducted in a 12.5 ha segment of the Red Cedar River, Wisconsin, between the impoundments of Tainter Lake and Lake Menomin. Tag returns ... -
The walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), population and sport fishery of the Big Eau Pleine, a fluctuating, central-Wisconsin reservoir
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1975-08)A 17-month study of the walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), population and sport fishery of the 2,832-ha, fluctuating Big Eau Pleine Reservoir in central Wisconsin indicated that total annual mortality rate (a = ... -
Washington Elementary School Handbook: Environmental Education Curriculum using Thematic Units
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1994-08)In the Wisconsin Rapids School District, an Environmental Education Guide was developed in 1989. The guide listed 35 "Fundamental Environmental Principles". These principles were then correlated with the district ... -
Water Quality in the Drummond Bog : Following Three Years of Municipal Wastewater Effluent Discharge
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1985-07)Water chemistry in a peat bog functioning as an advanced wastewater treatment system for the town of Drummond, Wisconsin was monitored during the second and third year of operation (1980-81). Water quality data generated ... -
A Water-Based Education and Monitoring Program for the Conservation of the Sarapiqui River, Costa Rica
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2005-12)The Sarapiqui Conservation Learning Center (SCLC) is a nature center perched on the bank of the Sarapiqui River, Costa Rica. The river has physical, biological, and ecological properties that make it an important resource ... -
Watershed Wisdom: An Environmental Science Curriculum Rooted in Place, Experience, and Research
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2016-08)Effective environmental education presents students with the opportunity to expand their understanding of the natural world and their relationship to that complex system. Additionally, it provide ... -
A Wayside Exhibit Plan for Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1986-12) -
Website Development Recommendations for Midwest State Wildlife Areas
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2006-12)Though the specific mission of state managed wildlife areas may differ, many wildlife areas attract similar groups of people interested in outdoor recreation activities, such as hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching. ... -
A Wetland Mitigation Assessment and Macrophyte/Invertebrate Response to Wetland Creation Activities
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1997-05)Two wetland mitigation sites in Wood County, Wisconsin, were monitored from February 1995 to October 1996. Information was collected for describing and monitoring abiotic and biotic wetland functions and to assist in ... -
What Factors Influence the Use/Nonuse of School Forests by Wisconsin School Districts that Own One
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2001-08)This project examined the factors that influence the use/nonuse of school forests by Wisconsin school districts that own one. In the past 74 years, 342 schools have received parcels of land to be utilized as a school ... -
When Organizational Change Results in Symbolic Convergence: A Postmortem Case Study
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2005-05) -
Why Did You Come In Today? : The Role of Graduate Assistant Tutoring in Undergraduate Student Revision
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Professional Studies, 2013-05)This study examines the reasons why undergraduate students use the graduate assistant tutoring, offered by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point English department, to revise their papers. The first chapter reviews the ... -
Wild Juvenile Salmonid Abundance and Outmigration in Wisconsin Tributaries to Lake Michigan
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2018-05) -
Wild Rice in East Central Minnesota - I. Water, sediment, and plant nutrient relationships on three wild rice marshes. II. The effects of traditional wild rice harvesting in a wild rice marsh.
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1983-12) -
Wildlife Diversity and Habitat Associated with Commercial Cranberry Production in Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1992-05)The wildlife diversity and habitat associated with commercial cranberry production in Wisconsin were studied from May 1990 through August 1991. Diversity studies were completed on birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians ... -
Wildlife Diversity Between Beaver Ponds and Impoundments on the Nicolet National Forest
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1995-05)Research was conducted in the Nicolet National Forest from April through August in 1993 and 1994. Eight impoundments, and 5 beaver ponds on the same watershed as 5 of the impoundments, were studied. Wildlife, vegetation, ... -
Wildlife Response to Secondarily-Treated Sewage Application on the Drummond Bog
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1983-05)The influence of wetland wastewater treatment on resident fauna is generally unknown. The effect of secondarily-treated domestic wastewater on the terrestrial fauna of the Drummond Bog in northwestern Wisconsin was ... -
Wildlife use of Wild Rice Beds and the Impact of Rice Harvesting on Wildlife in East Central Minnesota
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1983-12)