Browsing UWSP theses by Title
Now showing items 747-766 of 1102
Nachusa Grasslands Interpretive Master Plan
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2014-12)As Nachusa Grasslands gradually expands its footprint and incorporates bison on the site in 2014, outside interest has increased. Media attention surrounding the bison reintroduction has turned a once-quiet preserve into ... -
The National Envirothon Environmental Literacy Evaluation
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1996-07)The Envirothon is an outdoor environmental problem-solving competition for high school students. Teams of five are tested on their knowledge and skills in five areas: aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife and current ... -
Natural Resource Management: The Barriers and Opportunities for Collaboration
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2013-05)As environmental degradation is being documented more and more, a common theme has emerged illustrating that the observed environmental degradation is anthropogenic and inextricably linked with human activities. Historically, ... -
Natural Resource Managers and Their Perception of Their Role as Educators
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1991-05)Little attention has been given as to how environmental education relates to the professional natural resource manager. This study was developed to consider the following objectives: 1) To determine if Wisconsin Department ... -
NCAA Division III Recruitment Through the Lens of the Signaling Theory and Framing Theory: A Qualitative Study
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2017-04)Recruiting quality student-athletes is the lifeline for college athletic programs all over the country. This thesis critically examines the NCAA Division III cross country recruitment process with a keen focus on discovering ... -
Needs Assessment for Beecher School District
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2013-05)Beecher Schools do not utilize GGNP services to enhance their EE curriculum. This research strived to understand why teachers in Beecher School Districts are not participating in services offered at GGNP and how can GGNP ... -
Needs Assessment: Hawaiian Monk Seal Outreach and Education Programming for the Hawai'i Visitor Community
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2014-05)Nearly 200,000 visitors arrive in Hawai`i each day, around eight million per year. Each new visitor that steps foot on the islands will have little, if any, knowledge of the Hawaiian monk seal, but some will encounter them ... -
Negotiating Identity in a Gendered Firehouse Infrastructure: Female Firefighters’ Experience with Gender Separate and Gender Neutral Restrooms
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2015-04)It is a basic fact of biology that everyone requires access to a restroom. Despite this basic biology, American public restrooms have been exemplars of differing types of discrimination (Anthony & Dufresne, 2007). Not ... -
Nest Site Selection and Success of Mallards and Blue-Winged Teal in 4 Cover Types in Central Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1992-05)Duck nest density and success were determined in 4 cover types (marsh meadow, permanent grass, seeded dikes, and hayfields) located on George W. Mead Wildlife Area, in central Wisconsin. Each cover type was searched ... -
Nesting Biology of Broad-Winged Hawks in Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1983-08) -
Neurological Effects of Prenatal and Infant Stimulation and a Comparison of Suzuki and Kindermusik Early Childhood Music Programs
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Fine Arts and Communication, 2012)At five months gestational age, fetuses' hearing systems are formed and they can hear outside sounds in the womb (Barnett 1998 pg. 42). Speech patterns and familiar voices can be recognized within the womb (Ludington-Hoe, ... -
The Nigerian Land Use Decree and Agricultural Development in Rivers State
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1985-11)Many developing countries view land reform as a key to modernization and economic advancement. The impediments to progress of traditional and archaic tenural systems of land ownership in both town and country may be ... -
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Modification within a Petroleum Contaminated Biopile at the Oneida County Sanitary Landfill
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2004-03)There are approximately 8,000 active Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) cleanup sites in Wisconsin. With increasing active sites and decreasing state funds to help cleanup the sites, the issue of petroleum contaminated ... -
Nitrogen Contamination of Groundwater from Barnyards in the Central Sand Plain Aquifer of Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1988-08)Nitrogen contamination of groundwater by barnyards was monitored at five study locations in the Central Sand Plain of Wisconsin. The study areas differed in size from 0.04 to 1.0 hectare. Cattle densities on these ... -
Nitrogen Relations of Ornamental Trees in Urban Soils: A First Look
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2000-07)Ornamental tree fertility studies have historically used measures of growth response to determine appropriate fertilizer N application rates. Little data exists on the fate of exogenous N applied to landscape soils in urban ... -
North Lakeland Elementary School Water Education Project - Fall Lakes Week Project
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1996-08)North Lakeland Elementary School (N.L.E.S.) is located in the heart of the Northern Highlands Lake District of Wisconsin. Many of Vilas County's 1300+ lakes lie within the four townships (Boulder Junction, Manitowish ... -
Nuisance Beaver Biology and Control in North-Central Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1979-08)From 1 June 1976 to 2 September 1977, a study was conducted in Oneida and Forest counties, Wisconsin to determine; 1) trends in the number, types, and sources of beaver damage complaints, and 2) the size, age and sex ... -
Nutrient and Water Budget Modeling of the Petenwell Flowage: Adams, Juneau, and Wood Counties Wisconsin
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2000-06)The Petenwell flowage is a highly eutrophic impoundment located on the Wisconsin River in south-central Wisconsin. High nutrient discharge by municipalities and industries up-river results in blue green algae blooms ... -
Oak Regeneration Across Central and Northern Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2012-05)CHAPTER 1- STUMP SPROUT HEIGHT GROWTH SUCCESS RATE OF NORTHERN PIN OAK AND LONG-TERM EFFICACY OF COPPICE HARVEST IN CENTRAL WISCONSIN Abstract: Coppice with 2-3 reserve trees per acre is the Generally Accepted Practice (GAP) ... -
Occupancy and Maternity Roost Selection of Northern Long-Eared Bats in the Lake States Region
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2017-05)Among the bat species most impacted by White-nose Syndrome (hereafter; WNS) is the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which has resulted in its recent listing as federally threatened under the Endangered ...