Oral History Interview: Genevieve Lewis (1429)
Wisconsin Regional Writers' Association
Yarns of Yesteryear
Robert E. Gard
Rhinelander School of the Arts
Clarice Dunn
We Were Children Then
Edgewood College
Permanent Link
Recording, oral
In her March 2015 interview with Harv Thompson et al, Gen Lewis reminisces about her years working for various community arts programs with Robert Gard. Born and raised in Wisconsin, she reflects on opportunities for women during her working years and why she returned to Wisconsin after her husband's death. She also detailed a number of community arts initiatives with which she was involved, such as the reminiscence-writing project, Rhinelander School of the Arts, and Extension education. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the UW-Madison Oral History Program and the Gard Foundation's UW-Madison and WI Community Arts History Project.
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