Assessing and addressing the nutrition-related needs of Hmong Americans living in La Crosse, WI
The purpose of this project was to assess the nutrition-related needs of Hmong American community living in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and to develop, implement, and evaluate a resource entity that can assist the community in making informed and healthful decisions regarding their dietary choices. A training manual entitled "A Training Manual for Nutrition Education with the Hmong American Community in La Crosse, Wisconsin" was developed and evaluated on the basis of dietary patterns and related needs and capacities assessment of the Hmong community living in La Crosse, WI. This training manual has been designed to guide and share educational approaches with the organization(s) and/or person(s) who will develop, implement, and evaluate nutrition education program(s) serving the Hmong community living in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Hmong Americans -- Nutrition.
Hmong (Asian people) -- Wisconsin (State) -- Diet.
Hmong (Asian people) -- Wisconsin (State) -- Nutrition.
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