Now showing items 1-10 of 12
The Identification and Characterization of Cytoplasmic Acetylated Lysines
Lysine acetylation by histone acetyl transferascs (HATs) is a reversible posttranscriptional
modification that plays a key role in regulating several biological processes, such as the cell cycle, nuclear transport, and ...
Evaluating the effects of a possible therapeutic drug for Rett Syndrome in a mouse model
Rett Syndrome (RTT) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects girls with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 10,000-15,000, with no current cure or effective treatment. Most RTT cases are caused by human methyl-CpG binding ...
Identification Of Acetylated Lysine Residues On The ER Chaperone BiP
Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis involves the abnormal production of a small peptide
called Abeta. The rate-limiting enzyme for the generation of Abeta is BACEl and, as such, its downregulation decreases Abeta levels. ...
A ts-paralytic neurodegeneration mutant in Drosophila reveals differential requirement for the glycolytic gene Aldolase in neurons and glia
Several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease have been linked to metabolic disruption in neurons.
This suggests that neurons are particularly ...
FCGR3A Variability: Copy Number, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, and Efficacy of immunotherapy
In order to develop personalized immunotherapies for diseases like cancer, a key
component is to understand the profiles of specific genes that may influence the response
to treatment. For example, genes like the Fc gamma ...
Measuring mitochondrial nonenyzmatic lysine acetylation
Protein acetylation is a regulatory modification affecting numerous biochemical and cellular processes. Over half of the proteins in mitochondria have been identified as acetylated, however mechanism of acetylation has not ...
A role for FoxQ-1 in memory and learning
Using a genome-wide screen, genes that were differentially expressed between aged rats that were able to learn a spatial task (aged superior learners: SL), and learning-impaired rates (AI) were identified in the CA1 region ...
Quantification of interneurons present in postmortem adult Down syndrome Brain
Neuroanatomical abnormalities in the DS brain contribute to specific cognitive deficits in DS individuals. Histopathology has consistently revealed fewer neurons in the DS cerebral cortex. Based on neuron morphology and ...
The potential functional consequences of mandible shape evolution in giant house mice from Gough Island
An extremely large-bodied Mus musculus domesticus mouse population from the remote Gough Island (GI) were used to study how the evolution of shape may affect the performance of a morphological trait. The study question ...
Female California mouse scent marking behavior and its implications for the pair bond
Scent marking has been shown to be an active form of communication for male mice in claiming territory, advertising for females, and mate guarding. Yet little is known about how females use scent marking behaviorally. ...