Browsing Oshkosh Scholar by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 114
The Invisible Woman: Eve's Self Image in Paradise Lost.
(2007-12-18)This article is a feminist, deconstructive analysis of John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Taking the perspective of the story’s main female character—Eve—the article seeks to understand how gender affects interpretation and how ... -
Preservation and Immortatlity: The Transition From Oral to Written Culture in Iceland.
(2007-12-18)The following article comes from Dr. Barbara Crass’s Anthropology 300: The Viking World class during the Spring 2006 semester at UW Oshkosh. It is intended to provide insight on the transition from an oral to a written ... -
Synthesis of Pterocarpan Cabenegrin A-II.
(2007-12-18)Cabenegrin A-II is a molecule found in small quantities in the South American plant commonly called Portuguese Snake Herb, and is useful as a snake and spider anti-venom. Cabenegrin A-II occurs in these plants as a mixture ... -
Rieske Iron-Sulfur Isoforms in a Unicellular Cyanobacterium
(2007-12-18)Rieske iron-sulfur proteins (ISPs) are integrally involved in photosynthetic electron transport chains and thus closely linked to energy production and its regulation in cyanobacteria and plant chloroplasts. The cyanobacterium ... -
The Labors of a Race: Labor and Leaders in the Twentieth Century
(2007-12-18)Since the mid-19th century, labor activism in the African American community has shifted from least to most important in the Black freedom struggle. The roles of major figures like Martin Luther King Jr., W.E.B. Dubois, ... -
Oshkosh Scholar
(Office of Grants and Faculty Development, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 2008-04) -
Gender and GDP Contributions: The Effects of Culture
(2008-06-11)This paper uses Ordinary Least Squares regressions to examine the cultural, demographic, and geographical sources of differences in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contributions of women. These cultural variables include ... -
Does an Inverted Yield Curve Predict Recessions?
(2008-06-11)This paper examines the factors that determine the rate of growth of Gross Domestic Product in the U.S. economy for the years 1976-2006, with an emphasis on the role of the yield curve in predicting economic growth. Using ... -
Failed Sisterhood: Expectations and Betrayal Between the Women of the Antebellum South
(2008-06-11)Mistresses and slave women in the antebellum South lived and often suffered together under an oppressive patriarchy. They all endured a kind of enslavement in a system that reduced all women to the property of White men ... -
Prolonging the War for a Permanent Peace: Wisconsin Soldiers and the 1864 Election.
(2008-06-11)The main focus of this essay was to find out what the motivations were for Civil War soldiers from Wisconsin in their choice for president in the 1864 election. The decision was a difficult one: they could either stay ... -
Robert Venturi and His Contributions to Postmodern Architecture.
(2008-06-11)This paper examines the major contributions of architect Robert Venturi to the field of Postmodern architecture during the 1970s. Many of Venturi’s buildings were small in stature, designed for a specific location and ... -
Use of Screen Real Estate on University Home Pages.
(2008-06-11)In this project, the home pages of the 11 comprehensive universities in the University of Wisconsin System were analyzed and compared according to categories suggested by Jakob Nielsen. This research clearly defines eight ... -
Effects of Music and Choice Listening on Arousal Changes.
(2008-06-11)This study based its method on Pitzen and Rauscher’s 1998 study, testing 60 participants between classical stimulative, sedative, or no music conditions and choice or no choice exposure conditions. We calculated results ... -
A Contradictory Constitution: Forgotten Hypocrisies in the Blueprint of Democracy
(2008-06-11)The following essay investigates the contradictions of the modern concepts linked to the U.S. Constitution and the actual ideologies of those who wrote it. While it may be viewed as a beacon of modern democracy today, ... -
The Historical Jesus and the Slave of the Centurion: How the Themes of Slavery, Sexuality, and Military Service Intersect in Matthew 8:5-13.
(2008-06-11)When the identity of the slave in the Gospel narrative of “The Healing of the Centurion’s Slave” is studied through historical-critical research, the written and earlier oral traditions of the story indicate that the ... -
Oshkosh Scholar
(2009) -
Content Analysis of Online Commenters on Sexism in the 2008 Presidental Campaign.
(2009)Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin played prominent roles in the 2008 presidential primary and general campaigns, inviting a discussion of sexism. The unstoppable growth of the Internet has allowed news consumers to share ... -
Understanding Unemployment Rates in U.S. Metropolitan Areas
(2009-08)By July 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate had increased to levels not seen in 26 years, leaving millions of Americans out of work. By looking at factors associated with unemployment in the past, we can gain greater insight ... -
The Effects of Promotions on Attendance at Major League Baseball Games
(2009-11)What are the effects of promotions on attendance at Major League Baseball games? To examine this question, I collected data from each of the Milwaukee Brewers' 81 home games during the 2008 regular season. Several independent ... -
The Internet as Utopia: Reality, Virtuality, and Politics
(2009-11)Literary utopias have the important function of social critique. They point out flaws in society by way of implicit comparison to an imaginary ideal place and society and help to create a desire for change. Like most ...