Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Glass Case of Emotion: Social and Emotional Learning in Intermediate Elementary School
This study involved social and emotional learning, a rapidly growing field in education.
36 students in grades three through five received a Zones of Regulation intervention with a
social, emotional, and/or behavioral ...
Effects of Second Step Curricula as Perceived by Elementary Parents and Teachers
This research addressed the first-year utilization of the Second Step Social-Emotional
Leaming Curricula in two elementary schools in a Northern-Central state during the 2019/2020
school year. This is the first year that ...
Using General Education Mathematics Curriculum For Students with Learning Disabilities
Special education mathematics curriculum does not address the common core standards
as the general education curriculum does; therefore special education students receiving
pull out mathematics instruction are performing ...
Effects of Music and Movement on Attention of Kindergarten Students in an Integrated Classroom
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a music and movement program on the
attention spans of 5 year old kindergarten students in an integrated classroom. This was a single
subject design using 15 ...
What Strategies Do African American Males who have an IEP Find Helpful in Building Positive Relationships with School Personnel
African American males are disproportionately represented in special education programs, a trend that raised a lot of concerns about equity and inclusion in our educational and judicial system. This abstract examined the ...
Co-Plan to Co-Serve Model in Mathematics
Inclusive education has become a common practice in many school districts to include students with disabilities into the regular education classrooms to the maximum extent possible. One model of inclusive education used ...
Special Education Job Satisfaction in relation to Roles and Responsibilities
The purpose of this field report was to determine job satisfaction for special education teachers
in relation to everyday roles and responsibilities. The first stage of this research consisted of a
survey directed at ...
Co-Teaching How Do General and Special Education Teachers Perceive Their Respective Roles in Various Co-Teaching Models?
Co-teaching is used in many different academic levels from elementary schools to
college. Co-teaching can be both a positive and negative experience for those who
participate in a co-teaching environment. Co-teaching is ...
Impact of IEP Instruction to Increase Participation with High School Students on the Autism Spectrum
The purpose of this study was to gain perspective into self-determination skills and how to help students achieve them. This researcher tried to determine if the use of Self-Directed IEP curriculum was impactful enough to ...
What are the Effects of Teaching Self-monitoring on Independent Task Work Completion and Accuracy in 6th graders with ADHD?
This research project analyzed the effects of teaching self-monitoring on independent task work
completion and accuracy in sixth graders with ADHD. It took place in a special education setting. There
were four participants ...