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dc.contributor.authorFukushima, Masao
dc.contributor.authorKanzow, Christian
dc.contributor.authorPeng, Ji-Ming
dc.description.abstractA box constrained variational inequality problem can be reformulated as an unconstrained minimization problem through the D-gap function. A hybrid Netwon-type method is proposed for minimizing the D-gap function. Under suitable conditions, the algorithm is shown to be globally convergent and locally quadratically convergent. Some numerical results are also presented.en
dc.subjectquadratic convergenceen
dc.subjectglobal convergenceen
dc.subjectunconstrained optimizationen
dc.subjectNewton's methoden
dc.subjectD-gap functionen
dc.subjectbox constraintsen
dc.subjectvariational inequality problemen
dc.titleA Hybrid Newton Method for Solving Box Constrained Variational Inequalitiy Problems Via the D-Gap Functionen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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  • Math Prog Technical Reports
    Math Prog Technical Reports Archive for the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

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