Browsing Math Prog Technical Reports by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 101
Algorithms for Complementarity Problems and Generalized Equations
(1995)Recent improvements in the capabilities of complementarity solvers have led to an increased interest in using the complementarity problem framework to address practical problems arising in mathematical programming, economics, ... -
Accessing Realistic Mixed Complementarity Problems within MATLAB
(1995)This paper describes a suite of programs that allow realistic complementarity problems to be accessed from within the MATLAB programming environment. The suite of programs uses data generated from the GAMS/MCP library and ... -
Optimal and Asymptotically Optimal Equi-partition of Rectangular Domains via Stripe Decomposition
(1995)We present an efficient method for assigning any number of processors to tasks associated with the cells of a rectangular uniform grid. Load balancing equi-partition constraints are observed while approximately minimizing ... -
Nonlinear Jacobi and E-Relaxation Methods for Parallel Network Optimization
(1995)In this thesis we develop an efficient decomposition method for large-scale convex cost multi-commodity network flow problems. The coupling constraints are moved to the objective function via augmented Lagrangian terms. A ... -
Multi-Coordination Mehtods for Parallel Solution of Block-Angular Programs
(1995)This thesis is concerned with the parallel solution of smooth block-angular programs using multiple coordinators. The research herein extends the three phase method of Schultz and Meyer, who use barrier decomposition methods ... -
An e-Relaxation Algorithm for Convex Network Flow Problems
(1995)A relaxation method for separable convex network flow problems is developed that is well-suited for problems with large variation in the magnitude of the nonlinear cost terms. The arcs are partitioned into two sets, one ... -
A variable-penalty alternating directions method for convex optimization
(1995)We study a generalized version of the method of alternating directions as applied to the minimization of the sum of two convex functions subject to linear constraints. The method consists of solving consecutively in each ... -
Crash Techniquees for Large-Scale Complementarity Problems
(1995)Most Newton-based solver for complementarity problems converge rapidly to a solution once they are close to the solution point and the correct active set has been found. We discuss the design and implementation of crash ... -
Optimal Equi-Partition of Rectangular Domains for Parallel Computation
(1995-02-28)We present an efficient method for the partitioning of rectangular domains into equi-area sub domains of minimum total perimeter. For a variety of applications in parallel computation, this corresponds to a load-balanced ... -
Nonmonotone Curvilinear Line Search Methods for Unconstrained Optimization
(1995-03-20)We present a new algorithmic framework for solving unconstrained minimization problems that incorporates a curvilinear linesearch. The search direction used in our framework is a combination of an approximate Newton direction ... -
Machine Learning via Polyhedral Concave Minimization
(1995-11)Two fundamental problems of machine learning, misclassification minimization [10,24,18] and feature selection, [25, 29, 14] are formulated as the minimization of a concave function on the polyhedral set. Other formulations ... -
Genetic Algorithms as Multi-Coordinators in Large-Scale Optimization
(1996)We present high-level, decomposition-based algorithms for large-scale block-angular optimization problems containing integer variables, and demonstrate their effectiveness in the solution of large-scale graph partitioning ... -
Solution of General Linear Complemetarity Problems via nondifferentiable Concave Minimization
(1996)Finite termination, at point satisfying the minimum principle necessary optimality condition, is established for a stepless (no line search) successive linearization algorithm (SLA) for minimizing a nondifferentiable concave ... -
A Direct Search Algorithm for Optimization with Noisy Function Evaluations
(1996)We consider the unconstrained optimization of a function when each function evaluation is subject to a random noise.We assume that there is some control over the variance of the noise term, in the sense that additional ... -
Mathematical Programming in Data Mining
(1996)Mathematical programming approaches to three fundamental problems will b described: feature selection clustering and robust representation. The feature selection problem considered is that of discriminating between two ... -
Exact Penalty Functions for Mathematical Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints
(1996)We establish a new general exact penalty function result for a constrained optimization problem and apply this result to a mathematical program with linear complementarity constraints. -
Synchronous and Asynchronous Multi-Coordination Method for the Solution of Block-Angular Programs
(1996)Several types of multi-coordination methods for block-angular programs are considered. We present a computational comparison of synchronous multi-coordination methods. The most efficient of these approaches is shown to ... -
Clustering via Concave Minimization
(1996)The problem of assigning m points in the n-dimensional real space R^n to k clusters is formulated as that of determining k centers in R^n such that the sum of distance of each point to the nearest center in minimized. If ... -
Distributed Genetic Algorithms for Partitioning Uniform Grids
(1996)In this thesis the author presents a new method for partitioning general large uniform 5-point grids into sub-domains of given areas having minimum total perimeter. For applications in scientific computing in parallel ... -
Individual and Collective Prognostic Prediction
(1996-01-04)The prediction of survival time or recurrence time is an important learning problem in medical domains. The Recurrence Surface Approximation (RSA) method is a natural, effective method for predicting recurrence times using ...